Merging Spiritual & Physical Life into You're Best Intentional Lifestyle
Tired of the struggle between your spiritual growth, physical life, and making money?
This Changes EVERYTHING!
Build Your Own Business: Discover How to Manifest Business and Dreams as you Grow Yourself!
Besides teaching people how to build their own alternative homes. The corner stone of a free amazing life is money. Being able to make that money anywhere even while you sleep in an automated fashion opens the door to SO MUCH more possibility. Your not stuck in a city or any location. You don't have a schedule to be on so your free to follow your joy in the moment!
How much time and money have you invested in personal/spiritual growth and yet our day to day lives do not change much? We go to the same low vibration job to make/force money in a manner of competition where one person is believed to be more valuable than another. Then we go home to a home that the bank owns in a car the bank owns while looking over our shoulders fearing fines or kidnaping at gun point under threat of murder for driving 1 mile per hour to fast from a "peace officer". How is this a life spiritual or free? Is this world we manifest? Must the physical always be separate and opposed to the spirit within? Is it possible you are feeling a struggle between the two?
Yes it is! We can affect meaningful change in our lives through growth that unifies all that we are. We can literally manifest our creation into being!
How off balance is a life where our spiritual/personal growth does not make real change in our physical lives? We attend seminars, read book, and take retreats. Yet as we try to manifest, raise our vibration, and years later our physical life look no different!
Have you ever considered that it is possible to have a spiritual transcendent experience that changes the being and identity of who you are where you know who you are and become one with creator and all? Did you know it is also possible to have a physical transcendent experience that merges physical and spiritual and manifest abundance into being in the physical?
As we enter this new age it is time for a change and raise in vibration and meaningful change in our physical world. We must transcend and unify emotion, energy, spirit, thoughts, vision, and physical actions into one. We must materialize something new into this world. We must manifest a new way of living.
We all manifest our current state of living and every circumstance and event and possession. However, most do not know how to make it happen, how to bring dreams alive without hard work and resources they don't know how to get.

Are you ready to transcend to a new spiritual life where everything you need and want in your physical worlds comes to you into resonance with your new spiritual growth kicking off the shackles that bind you physically, mentally, spiritually, financially?
What is the root of almost everything in our current reality mindset? Money is the root of all physical action taken in our current state-of-mind and society. Its the reason we set alarms and go things we would not choose to do if we had free-will and all our needs were met. In the perfect world we would all do what we love and share freely from our abundance. However, getting from the place we are at with corporations destroying the earth for money, which has no intrinsic worth, to that beautiful space of sharing is not going to happen in one move. I suggest we need begin moving in the good direction and what is offered here is a step in that direction. A step where money, or value, is still exchanged but our spirit becomes the source and prime mover of our own individual actions and private businesses. These businesses set us free from slavery to a clock for a slaves wage doing the wrong things in the world and move us to a good place of meaningful life and life's-time well spent.
If you could do anything tomorrow; ANYTHING! If You had no schedule, no job and plenty of money. What would you do and how would it feel? Really, take a moment to take that in! I'm betting it would not be to go slave away at a job.. I invite you to share what you would do tomorrow if you were free to choose what you would do every day without bills and job obligations.
If you want to work hard, struggle, compete, and fight your way to success as the big (wo)man this is NOT the course for you! This is a paradigm shift into the new age, a whole new way of being. This is about manifestation that really works. This Not just the law-of-attraction that so many struggle with. This is about putting your higher self, the universe, the creator above to the work on the details. This is about changing and becoming the person who is abundant having every good things flows to you balanced with meaningful action and tools that you will gain
By the way: Did you know that the "law of attraction" is actually called the law of vibration and is only one of 12 "laws" that guide your alignment towards what you want/need?
How money is "made": Jobs, Self-Employment, Business, and Passive Income
Money is "made" by giving something of value to others in exchange for a different form of value. The value given can be entertainment/emotional experience, products, or services and all ultimately serve the needs and wants of others.
I thinks it's safe to say we all know what a job is. Jobs are the place we prostitute ourselves trading our life's time for limited wages. Often in this space we would choose to do something else with out day if we had what we needed and a choice. We do not love these boring mind-numbing repetitive task where someone else makes the most from our life's energy and effort. Its also the easy out of responsibility, but the majority of the value from the customer of your service is collected by the middle-man/employer.
Self-Employment is still trading time for money. Only now one is the boss, manager, employee and still trading time for money. This is a big step up towards independence and can lead to wealth. If we manage things well others can be hired to trade their time for money and you get to keep a portion of their effort as the middle and between the customer and the product or service. Self employment is providing products or services valued by others. Here, you get to keep all the value received minus expenses.
Running a Business or a company is when you have others who trade their time for your money and you oversea the operations. Managers often over sea the daily details leaving you more free to do other things that really matter to you. Usually a company need lot of money to get established or started. a normal business is also not in alignment with the heart within. Though, its possible to start small and work your self employment into a company. Starting a company can take lots of loans and initial cash outlay and many years. One a side note here is that most of these jobs can be outsourced to independent contractors over the internet. Here, the other people and expenses take most of the value, but it can be expanded and multiplied to earn substantial amount of money without spending time involved in the process. This can become passive income to you but the initial outlay of time and expense can be large.
Passive income is money that keeps flowing to you from one initial effort or investment of time and money. This is the gold standard. This space moves away from products and provides service or entertainment or education giving value on an ongoing basis. This is where the internet shines through. This processes can be automated generating money with no to little ongoing effort. This space does not necessarily require a lot of time or money to get going. Most people already own or have access to the tools.
We can manifest the money we need if we set the stage properly. Setting that stage by creating our own business charged with customers we manifest from meditation! Keep reading to learn more!
Have you tried the law of attraction and the results did not deliver or results are inconsistent? Manifestation is the way forward to dependable consistent flow of abundance IF you know the real & whole "secret"
How amazing would you feel if jobs, struggles and competition could be bypassed and the creator or universe trusted to deliver life changing abundance?
My Story: Discovery to manifest everything needed and more
The path downward:
Like most people I started preprogrammed by parents peers and society that did not serve my best interest. I got jobs at various businesses and was forced in submit documents and sign federal contacts with theft services to obtain clearance to trade time for money and submit to management who honestly made me feel like I was in school again; can I go to pee? I'm sorry I'm late please don't punish me.
After working a few years I took on more obligations like rent and car payments. I competed to move up and make a higher hourly wage. I tried saving. Most of it was lost to car repairs, time off work from various unplanned circumstances. However, eventually I managed to save some money at the expense of basic joy in life. I ate ramen noodles for months. It got to the point that every day the alarm went off I was still tired and pissed that I had no choice other then to go back to the job of boredom and constraint. It was just no longer acceptable. I had to make a choice. The choice to let my spirit be broken and bow down and do what everyone expected of me or to try something else. I knew I had to try.
I enrolled in a technical school for electronics to get in on the new computer and internet age. The schooling was alright and it lead to.. You guessed it, another Job which was exciting at first but it quickly became like the old jobs but at a higher level of spending and the novelty wore off. It sucked. I was still not free. So many places I wanted to go and experiences I wanted to have.

So, still running the program I went back to school and got another job. The cycle repeated. It did not fulfill. I decided to start a business. I always liked mechanical things so I got some manuals, some tools and opened a small repair business taking on a loan to buy a location to work from. It was a scary step. Work came in and and bill were always met, but the fear of loosing home and business was always there. I was much more free and I did get to enjoy more free time. However, free time was limited. I had to keep trading time for money. Then competition came and they had bigger loans and more advertising and paid mental analyst to trick people into what I know was substandard service.
I got married and continued running my business expanding into subcontracting, larger projects and eventually general contracting. Things went well and I expanded my spending to time shares and more expensive versions of everything I already had. Not once considering I could build a house and sell it for massive profits. My conscience was just not there yet. I spent a lot of time reading and studying self improvement, chi energy, meditation and the like. I believed I had to work hard for money as I was taught by family and school. Then came my saving grace. The great dragon of fear lifted its head and devoured everything. I took on a very large project and the project that should have made me a great deal of money. However, the money was embezzled and I was left holding massive bills for materials exceeding all entire net-worth by 10 times. I could not pay. All the money I did have had been paid out to labor. With the loss of all my credit I was broke and the "great recession" did not leave many opportunities. Deciding that if I was going to prosper working I have done so by now. I threw the cell phone in the garbage at the job site and walked away..
The upward path: This breaking point was the best that could have ever happened- I sold off the time share, cashed out my retirement, paid off one car and let the rest go back and down sized onto one small paid for lot of land with a frame tiny house to live in then started a garden. I lived the next year without working just enjoying every moment letting go of all stress and worries. I began meditating and pursuing my spiritual growth and doing a lot of reading on the subject, falling down the YouTube rabbit hole, as well as attending a few workshops. I recognized many limiting beliefs and as I let them go I began to see the emotional traumas that needed to be released. Having practiced chi in martial arts as a child I also took an interest in energy work. Following inner guidance I experienced a vision and experience that was more real than this world and tapped into deep new meditation abilities. In a moment my identity was changed. I was a new man. Every prayer I put out in this natural, but deeply altered state of mind, was answered every time within minuets.
As the money ran out I started taking odd jobs and meet the days or weeks needs and somehow everything just worked out that I had everything I needed. It was like I was supported by creator or the universe or something good. Someone mentioned the law of attraction and I read books and watched videos. Eventually, I found an audio series by Kevin Trudeau a favorite of mine from mega-memory a program to remember everything. I listened intently and put everything into practice. The results were good at times but undependable and unrepeatable. Something was missing even after a year of working on it. Next, step was finding an audio of Think and grow rich narrated by Earl Nightingale then the surrender experiment by Michael Singer and Neville Goddard. This was all amazing stuff. I practiced it all and it was worth every second, but still I was not good enough. I needed clarity, I needed more. I needed something that would work and change my situation. I was getting the idea from my vision in meditation and these important steps that manifestation was not only possible but that matter/this-reality could be changed from a spiritual place. My meditations started taking on a whole new active and real quality and guidance and inspirations started downloading in completed from.

Finally it all came together
During one particular paraliminal guided meditation something changed in a big way. I stopped perusing myself and asked how I could be of service to others and sat still waiting for that inspiring idea to come which felt good and with emotional charge. Then, Beings of light stood over me and passed light through me and assembled and aligned what I perceived to be my energy body into a harmonic resonant crystal. The power and light I felt in my body was beyond words. Everything I had learned up to this point in life came together and like a download I realized how to change my identity, align my energy spiritually emotionally and physically with vision and projected energy I could resonate with the universe and everything would just unfold into being with little effort. This was it this was manifestation that was real and consistent! Its is this process I wish every soul could experience. This is a path the also leads to to growth of the the individual from the core of their being. This will change the world for the better. If not the entire world then the personal world of those who venture on this amazing journey of change and growth.
Examine, Identify Blocks in your beliefs, programs, emotions and body. Release and heal them
Tap into the flow of heart and spirit energy. Be inspired and flow with creation
Inspired vision give a clear view to set an intention and focus all energies to manifest an abundant life

A New Age & A New Way Forward
I will be with you always, yes, even until the end of the age.
The Solution to meet your financial needs is to allow manifestation to take place in your life using Your Own Business as the front door of a manifestation process that works
I struggled for years without any idea that it did not have to be a struggle and work hard from money. I could follow the direction of my heart and live an exciting abundant life filled with abundance, love, light and life!
It is my sincere desire to share what I have learned and experienced with those special people who allow me too. I finally found a solution that is so very life changing and empowering. It changed my life in every meaningful way and those who follow the path I lay out can experience this same solution to help empower themselves and change everything. It will take work, personal and spiritual growth! Why do all this? Because if you set it up right, you will become the source of opportunity and abundance in your life. Everything is already inside you! We just need to trim away the darkness and false things that are not your true sole then finding spiritual inspiration and bringing a value present our business offer through the spirit and watch the amazing unfolding of the reality before your eyes! I invite you into the discovery of something more. Will you allow me to exchange this gift with you?
Without preparing the fields a farmer expecting a harvest would be disappointed. A prayer without faith is lifeless. Taking a trip without putting fuel in the tank is short lived. Likewise, Attempting to Manifest or Materialize money from only a vision board, from your current self identity, or using your current energetic emotional state of being is not going to manifest or create something new.
Building a business online prepares the way for abundance to be manifest when we also grow and change the person we are showing up in this world as. A different person thinks, acts and works differently and get different results in their life.
Value for value Exchange Is the way of Nature
Its not competition in nature as we were programed to believe. Plants that get energy freely from the sun need minerals and nitrogen from the soil. Life in the soil needs energy from the sun. The plant makes sugars from the air the water and the suns energy and sends those sugars to the root hairs where the fungi and soil life exchange the requested minerals and nitrogen for that sugar and each layer of life from the macro to the micro all run their lifecycle and fed each other in a way that builds up and grows or multiplies life.
In a similar way we exchange freely from our natural talents and wealth with others for their talents and wealth. Do not burry or allow your Talent (measurement of value). Each man and woman brings something unique to this world and they are the only who can bring it in heir uniqueness of expression. When you do not bring your value to the world you rob me and others of that shared experience. The world is poorer without it!
I would love to simply give this gift away freely. However, I have learned that the current consciousness of this world only values what it applies its own value towards. Further, like plants in nature, if I give all my energy away without an exchange of value I will perish as would the life in the soil. So we use nature as our pattern..
Exactly how do I manifest everything I need? BUSINESS customers manifest through spiritual work done in meditation!
Here it is: Business Manifest
As it turns out my discovery and experience creating a flow of abundance flowing through my own online business using spiritual practice to open the gates of abundance can be taught and learned by others. Its the reason you found this page even though I pay for NO advertising!
Now, for the first time I am sharing this process with the world in a digital online consulting course and in-person trainings. This is my value offer to you.
- Using Meditation as a tool
- Breaking Resistance
- Personal growth & Spiritual Growth
- Healing of resistance, stuck emotions and removal of trauma from the body and even health
- Removing limiting beliefs/Programs that block you
- Aligning all that you are to power your focused and how put your intention into the universe
- How to find inspiration and your product/value to bring forward
- How to setup an online business: The software and the setup process of your business completed by the end of the course
- The 12 laws including the "law of attraction" complete and working together
- The secret Sauce: How to Bring Your Offer to the creator/universe and let it do the work and sort out he details of how and who.
- How to identify and remove all the blocks stopping you.
- Many effective tools and training to assist you in your journey
- Transcending experience
Why call it business manifest? Because when you set the stage or prepare the situation to receive what you ask then circumstances and customers can bring their value/money to you. Business is the soil and process in the world at this time where people seek to exchange value for value. We show you exactly how to ground and manifest a flow of customers and abundance multiplied for your business. The business is the value offer you put into the world and the universe/ether using your own spirit and energy. The business is the ground prepared to receive rain and grow the seeds you planted in the spirit and meditation into harvest.
Have you ever noticed how many law of attraction videos talk about some past thing or person forgotten suddenly coming forth with the money needed? How many of these events have you prepared to allow the charge for manifestation to come? What if you can prepare a business and open the possibility for abundant regular flow of such manifestations? Set the stage for success!
- 1Change & Growth: Increasing knowledge, learning new spiritual meditation skills, removing limiting beliefs, removing limiting programs and stuck emotional trauma. This journey of self growth will unlock the keys of the kingdom for you and you will never be the same!
- 2The power of alignment: Aligning your whole being; inspiration, mind, vision, intention, spirit, energy, emotion, actions into a prepared receiver will open the flow of power to unlock and manifest your creation and bring abundance.
- 3Your own online Business: is the prepared stage to connect the charge you have created in the heavens to your life here on earth. The point where people and customers come to you without advertising or competition. They bring the value you need. Its a multiplication of the energy you put in!

Who will Gain the Greatest Benefit From This Program?
- Anyone who has tried the law of attraction and not had consistent good results
- Anyone who knows there is something deeper, some thing more to be had in life
- Anyone on a personal development path what has not had their life change after taking webinars, courses, seminars in the past
- Anyone Tired of Living a Life of Low Vibration Jobs
- Anyone who wants to raise their default vibration to a better place
- Anyone who desires to grow themselves spiritually, emotionally, and energetically
- Anyone who has stuck emotional energy and repeating patterns that do not allow forward positive movement in life
- Anyone who is ready to become more
- Anyone who knows they were made for something greater
- Anyone who is energetically aware and is ready to put that to work
- Anyone who wants to meditate or enter their prayer closet and receive answers that moment
- Anyone tired of false religion and empty new-age promises and are ready for real change
- Anyone who wants to learn manifestation that works
- Anyone new to building an online business
- Anyone wanting to find enlightenment or waken to true self
- Anyone following others/yogis & mantras for years and still not had a mystical experience
- Anyone wanting to heal themselves
- Anyone wanting to tap into the power of creation
- Anyone wanting to life in freedom
- Anyone wanting to start an online business but has not know where to start or what they can offer for sale
- Anyone feeling a calling to something more in their heart
What People Are Saying About Manifest Business

“30 years of meditation and I never manifested anything before Dan's help ”
"I have practiced mediation for 30 years, used vision boards, focused my emotions, practiced the law of attraction and I never has a mystical experience or manifested anything consistently and nothing that mattered. Thanks to Dans guidance I finally get why. Everything I did was not from my true self and I never saw how all these tools fit together to make the universe move! Heck, I never even had the whole picture before much less all the tools to make manifestation work. Now that I know how to set the stage by having a business everything has changed! Makes perfect sense now.."
Shane Marteen
- Construction Worker, Now passive income earner

“I always wanted my own business but didn't know where to start..."
“Learning everything to build an online business was over whelming. Im not super tech-savvy. Daniel walked me through the process and the price was worth it just for this. However, I never dreamed I could make sales from my prayer closet in meditation. I had my first sales in one month and the number of sales keeps climbing without doing touching the sales funnel. Never even heard of the law of attraction, but this has been a really big deal in every area of my life from love to money"
Samantha Allen
- Nursery Manager, Retired to Passive Income Online

“Can you believe it works?"
“Never has I imagined that I could manifest money?
The answer is not only meditation: you can practice the law of attraction and meditate all day, but the problem usually not much changes. The amount of time I spent working and fighting to stay on top was worthless. With the quality of training I got I have by business running automatically and I can spend my time enjoying life. I set up websites since high school and did yoga and meditation while always working a job. I never imagined that they could all be combined to make money for me. The meditations and intention setting I learned in this course was like nothing else I have ever herd of. It works and it works great.
My phone rings through out every day and I am filled with joy and excitement knowing that those dings on the phone are notices of sales made and money in the bank while I'm traveling all over the world. "
Joe Hernandez
Construction worker Quit- World Traveler and Online Consulting Business
This Course Is Offered as a Live Group Video Class
IF You are ready to build an online business and set your self free from jobs to enable you to live how and where you want in an empowered lifestyle of freedom then you are going to want to get onboard now!

Next Class February 2'nd 2022
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A Few More Testimonials to Prove it Works for Real People

“I took this class because Dan's teaching was phenomenal. I wanted to do an online business.. This took me places I never dreamed..."
I took this class because Dan's AirCrete teaching was phenomenal at the workshops and I wanted to do an online business. He walked me through the process of getting my website working and setting up a sales funnel that works for me. Then the real education began. This course took me places I never dreamed. It changed who I am! I healed and grew away from my stagnant life into a place where life was a new journey and I would have called it a success of this was all I got, but now I have a completely passive income that fills my bank account daily while I focus on my family and life with a freedom that words can not express. Thank You Dan!"
- Landscaping Crew Manger; Quit - Now Online Business Owner

“I always loved movies and the amazing costumes. I started making realistic cosplay costumes in my spare time, but I could never make enough to quit waitressing. Until I met Daniel "
“I always loved movies and the amazing costumes. I started making realistic cosplay costumes in my spare time. I spent years learning to carve foam and convert existing clothing into something worthy of a movie set, but I could never make enough to quit waitressing. Until I met Daniel. He has a big heart and really cares that people succeed.
I used to spend all my spare money traveling to conventions and cosplay events around the country. Usually by the time I took off work and paid for a booth I would just get a few customers orders and make enough to break even. It was fun but exhausting always working the booth and not participating. It was becoming another job. Then a friend introduced me to a free business webinar. This is where I met Daniel. He showed me how to set up my business online by the end of the weekend I was online! The idea was great and the basic marketing was quickly as profitable as my booths. When he offered a manifesting course it sounded magical, but perhaps impossible. Eventually my curiosity won and I signed up for the zoom training. It was probably the best choice I have ever made for my fledgling business. Now, instead of just watching Harry Potter do magic in the movies I am living a magical life manifesting everything, going to cosplay shows to just play. The money takes care of its self as orders flow in for costumes without paying for ads. Its took some real effort and change in my life that was hard at first, but now my business makes sales with any effort really..."
Samantha Allen
- Waitress - Quit; Cosplay Costume Designer
Daniel Allen
Creator of Business Manifest & Alternative Building School
About the Author
Health, Light, and Love to you.. I am Daniel. I struggled for years to make life work in a way that was free and fulfilling. Freedoms has always been an core essential part of who I am.
Through a series for personal growth experiences I began to seek to personal growth then to seek spiritual growth. I attended seminars, purchased courses, read books and spent years trying to make things work. All with minor success at best. I was still working hard for a living and tired of the lies and unfruitfulness of all the self improvement noise out there.
Eventually, I let go of trying and just focused on seeking truth, meditating in observation of my self, sensing my higher self, and the things that brought beauty and peace to life. It was then I had what I can only describe as a waking transcending experience more real than this world. Something that sounded like a mushroom trip only more real. In this space I healed a continuous gut pain and bowel problem I has for 6 months in just moments of intention. When I came back to my senses I was completely better and never had the problem again. It was real! It was then that I knew I really can change this physical world from a spiritual place of meditation/prayer. I found inspiration and information, people, as well as experiences began to flow into my life. It was then that all the pieces snapped together and I comprehended what it took to manifest something into existence. It had little to do with trying or taking massive physical action. It was a process of allowing my self to change, removing programs and energy blocks, raising my default vibration to align with the universe then placing value with intention into the hands of creation, releasing and watching expectantly as people, circumstances, knowledge, and material flowed into my life until a new thing had been created. Literally manifested without work beyond applying the appropriate inspired aligned actions.
Then the test came. The company I worked for lost their biggest client and two thirds of the company was laid off without notice. The only thing left was to go all in and prove how to manifest. IF following divine inspiration, I knew I had to start a business and serve others in their journey. I set up an online business with all the moving parts working together automatically using my training in the IT industry. Then I spend 3 months producing a video product showing people how to build heir own homes with AirCrete. I placed this value/service on the website, set my vibration, and placed my offer into creation. Almost instantly people began finding the course and asking questions. Eventually sales started coming in. To this day the volumes of sales continues without effort. I no longer needed to work. I was now living in an AirCrete house with abundance and freedom.
It is my sincere desire to help other people experience this amazing life of freedom and abundance. Even more than that It is my goal to help as many people get free of job and money slavery to make this planet into something beautiful and free of the corruption of the monsters that rule in endless war feminine and pestilence (plan-demics). Once free each man/woman is free to grow upwards to an every greater potential. First, we must all get this survival & limitation thing sorted and solved!
So what is the catch? Is manifesting really going to work for me?
Truth is it may not work for the you as you currently are. The catch is that you have to be devoted and committed to work though a process of self growth and its not always easy to let go of the past and remove programs and blocks in your life. Many people have trauma and emotional damage that even causes physical sickness. You must become a new and different person. The one who can have abundance. If you were that person now you would already have the success your heart desires. For things to change in your life, things age going to have to change!
It will be challenging and your entire life may change including the people in it. I assure you it is worth the journey!
No Risk - If you give up of decide its too difficult
If you start this course and realize it is not for you or that you are not ready for the changes required of you to make this system work then you are welcome to request a refund within 7 days. This is enough time to look into the course and make a decision.
Advantages vs Disadvantages
How is the Business Manifest solution is better or different than other solutions out there?
Business Manifest
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7 day 100% Money Back Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back-Guarantee. If you don't feel this program is helping you grow then, just let us know within 7 days and we'll send you a prompt refund.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is meditation just getting my mind still?
What is Manifestation?
Why is this course different than others?
I want to build a business income. Why all the self development?
What is my Vibration?
What if I don't know what to sell?
What do you mean value for value?
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For the 2-2-2022 class you can get 50% off the course when you sign up for the email list!
P.S.: Enrollment for the live program is only open twice per year and the number of students must be limited so that we can deliver a quality of interaction with you, our students.
Video Course Lesson List
Introduction (free)
Finding Your Product or Value to Offer The World
Starting where you are with what you know & Brain-Storming
How To Setup Your Online Business Storefront
Building Your Website - The Software Tools and Services You Require
Start to Finish Business Setup Example
Marketing 101
Hardware, Software, for Producing Content
Mindsets Beliefs Habits and other factors that may limit your success
Business Manifest - Spiritual Model - a New paradigm shift for abundance
Sleeping You Way to Success - Lucid Dream, Let SuperConscience work, problems solved and more
Copyright - Tiny Giant Lifestyle