The Simple Survive & Thrive Blueprint
PreOrder Now Save 50% off - Course Will Be Released In Weekly Lessons Over 2 Months Starting June 8 2019. Regular Price $297
Proven Fastest Most Complete Way to Get Off Off-Grid NOW
While everyone else is saying it can't be done you will be getting it "done."

Hi, I'm Daniel. For 20+ years I have been trying and living every method of building & living I discover. I have refined a method of living that almost anyone can do to be set free and live a better life NOW; "not some day" when you get old and retire. Food, Freedom, Finances.

Who Can Benefit From This Course?
What You Get In This Video Course:
- 1Exact Steps & Care Instructions for Building the Most Rapid Food System That Can Support Human Survival in as little as 444 Square Feet per Person. Based On Tree Systems, not Laborious Gardens, and the Fact that the Human Gut Can get 90% and more of the energy out of Fruit. Not requiring an insulin response to process. It is the most ideal food source; once your gut microbiome is corrected.
- 2Two Housing Systems of Building; including tool list. Do It Yourself and Affordable. AirCrete Video Course and a Second system of building that is potentially free to build. Have a comfortable & beautiful house quickly on any budget. Build a Passive Solar Greenhouse to Mitigate Climate Change and Protect the Core Survival Food Source from Large Hailstorms!
- 3Learn to Build Systems of Support that You Provide For Your Self. Become Independent of "The System:" Water, Food, Shelter, Sanitation, Energy, Security, Income, & Luxury
- 4Mental Belief Reprogramming Methods. Cult-ure, family, friends, and even ourselves have programmed us to be cattle for a system of voluntary slavery. To be Free and perhaps to succeed in doing the first 3 steps of this system getting our Thoughts, Words, Sub-conscience, Faith, and Actions all in alignment is valuable beyond what I can Express in Words. Once self doubt, fear, thoughts, and self talk are prepared to serve our best interest anything becomes possible for us!
What Could You Do IF: You Had no 9-5 job, no boss, no rent, no mortgage, and money to spend? What would your perfect day look like? Keep Reading!
If all the money you spend on food, housing, and transportation was in your hand right now and you had no obligations what would you spend it on? Beyond buying stuff, having your time back to pursue things with personal meaning such as: relationships, projects, hobbies, security, and to see what the world has to offer is amazing. To go beyond the programming and discover yourself and what you are capable of is of greater value still.
Imagine in every detail what your perfect day looks like. What would you do? Where would you go? Who would you do it with? What would you eat? What are the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of your environment? What is your emotional state? Excited? Peaceful? Secure? Adventurous?
Think about the end of that perfect day. What does it feel like in your body and mind to be "fully satisfied," peaceful, and content when you snuggle into comfort and rest? Now what if you could have that feeling most of the days of your life? Would that be worth changing the way you do things now? Would that be worth examining what you believe? Is that worth a change your life to actually live this way every day?
People say: "I want a million Dollars." However, if you take time to look behind the statement or desire you will find a feeling. You might be saying: I want to be in control of my life, I want to be free to do anything I desire, I want to be secure, I hate my job, I want time.. Even the best activities are but a feeling and memory at the end of the day.
Most People Are Only Surviving Just like the majority of people.
The vast majority of people in our modern world work all the time to pay for a place to stay, food on the table, clothing, and transportation. Their energy, dreams, passions, family, and hobbies all get neglected and forgotten because there is not enough time, energy, or money left at the end of the day. If they are lucky then they can take a weeks "vacation" which always breaks the bank and leaves them more exhausted. This is nothing more than survival!
So many people say "if I were rich all my problems would be solved". I can, with a great deal of certainty, tell you this is NOT TRUE. In all my years of meeting people in every walk of life I have never know anyone who isn't trying to just make it to the next level. I know a man, with a home health company, taking home 3 million per year. I can tell you they are stressed out, only get 2 weeks a year of vacation time. Honestly they are just as "bad off" and stressed as a person working a minimum wage job that can't pay for a car & rent. Yes, he has a nice house; estate actually. Yes, he has a nice car; several. Yes, he has a nice wife; grouchy actually. They up-sized their income and their lifestyle. They simply have more of everything; including problems and responsibilities. They actually own nothing at all. Its all financed. You see the thing is: No matter where they go, or get to, there they are. With all their responsibilities and ideas. Just Surviving..
Our Problems: Each of us have a number of problems. These problems come from beliefs, programs, and not understanding just how many options he really have.
Having to miss opportunity to enjoy people and events; many people go to bed on-time so that the alarm clock can pound on their ears too early in the morning. With a rush of adrenaline to reek havoc on our bodies we drag our selves to the shower, eat something not healthy to save time. Then we rush to work anticipating problems and being scolded at for being late or fired. More stress. We put in a long un-stimulating day of making someone else money for their dream while we put ours on hold for a better time while we spend all our time waiting for "some day" to come. We listen to everyone else complain including some higher "authority" who brings more stress. Then after sitting all day without exercised we head home mentally tired. If you work hard physically then you go home physically beat and mentally stimulated. The car has a problem, or the time goes flat, another unexpected expense. Oh! Heart pounds slamming on breaks to avoid a police ticket: who will quickly steal some of your hard earned money and have no problem dragging you to jail or killing you in the process of trying if you don't comply. Finally we make it to the apartment or mortgaged house to discover the pile of never ending bills. Loved-ones, and friends come with even more problems. Everyone snaps an anything without thinking. Everyone is reacting. Turn on the news and discover that once again the boogie man is coming to get you and the government is going to protect you; and once again they elected failed, unsurprisingly, to do something good for you and passed another law to nail everyone down a little more. After an hour of news that was no news and scores on some game you eat some nutritionally deficient food with heart burn from the stress. "Better call the doctor tomorrow. Good thing they have a job with insurance; could never give that up.."
Most people, no matter the income level Are ONLY SURVIVING
Think about it. What do most people ever hope for after all the unfulfilled dreams? A roof over their head to stay comfortable out of the weather, food on the table, a 7 day trip, some amusement, and a car to get to work.. From 3 Million per year to Minimum Wage many people are actually just surviving. It may be a "nice" house or car; so "they" say. If you are a real good citizen you may get 1 or 2 weeks per year to do what you want. So you rush off for a vacation only to feel relieved when you get back home. Then back to work. If they do well then when they retire; a couple years before they get sick or dead they can then do what they want.. Well, maybe..
My personal TSHTF life event: Tragedy turned Victory!
I was born c-section without microbial inoculation. Most of my early years I was always battling strep infection and taking antibiotics. I was not well. However, I was very fortunate to move and live out of the city and watch my dad farm a large garden. He did not teach me about farming and seeing how hard he worked at it I would not have been to committed anyway. However, eating garden fresh super flavorful food energized my body, mind, and spirit. Eating from the dirt, my sickness ended; I never got sick again actually. I felt amazing! I also learned to forage before the garden was ready and after it was finished. These two combined gave me a reference experience for what is possible.
I grew up schooled by government and programmed to be a citizen. Moving to a city of 6 million I attended college and its debt then got a good job, found love, started my 2.3 child family, made more, spent more. Everything a drone should do. Then one fateful day Exxon bought out the primary client of the company where I was IT manager. Within just 4 weeks my job was outsourced and 80% of the company was laid off. Unemployment was denied to everyone. I don't remember why, but after appeal I just cashed out my little retirement and walked away from it all. I had gave them 30 hour days and they gave me the boot. The busy pace of the rat race was wearing me down and hope was lost. Just to add icing to the cake, this was during the great recession. I paid off one car letting the bank have the other. Told the landlord, sorry. I left the city & conventional life.
Finding cheap land I built a small cabin. We lived on an air mattress in the kitchen space cooking in a toaster oven while finishing the cabin. Over time the cabin grew and we started to grow all the food possible. Anything to eliminate spending. Its was scary not having a safety net and everyone was telling me that it's not possible to grow all your own food and that I should be responsible and take of my family by finding a job. Getting a license for heating & air conditioning as well as doing some general contracting and alternative building. I found myself struggling to work and grow food at the same time. There was not enough time to properly grow food and not enough work to buy healthy food for the whole family. I was stuck in the rat race again.
I threw myself into research. I listened to every podcast and video I could find as well as reading many books. There was so much information and conflicting opinions it was hard to know what was true. Much of what I tried never worked. The land I owned was once strip-mined for gravel and the surface leaving heavy clay that did not grow weeds. So I sat out to test everything. I walked away from my work to trial every method, and live by them. It took years to reach 100% self sufficiency.
The end result was living on the land completely with a sense of security, abundance, and joy that few ever experience or understand is possible. A combination of ancient knowledge coupled with appropriate modern technology that forms a new, but old way to live. Not just exist, but to thrive! An entire system of living that meets all our needs. Shelter, Water, Food, Sanitation, Luxury, Travel, Income, exciting adventures, and peace.
When our needs are met. That's is when all the deep primitive brain requirement for staying alive are secure. We come to a place where we can truly grow. You see when the back of our mind knows a job is insecure or under our control, the shelter & food depends on it, we are always living a state of contraction. When all this is secured and sure we live in expansion. To have life and to truly live well we must grow. Life is growth or dying. Realizing this and experiencing the deep security of knowing no matter what or where I can have food and shelter that no one can take from me; I felt energized and euphoric even..
Rearranging my life once again it is possible to live well on what most people consider poverty and still travel/Vacation out of the country for 3 months each year. Because of this freedom and state of personal growth. This journey of growth has now led me to wanting to share these amazing, freeing, blissful ways of living with everyone. Best part is the journey is "ever new" and exciting!
Working from home gave me time to study, practice, and - All my years of study & actually doing has been distilled down into a practical blueprint that almost anyone can follow and reproduce. All the hard and unfruitful ideas have been discovered and discarded. Gardening is even optional!
This allows you to meet survival needs, wants, luxury, basic income, and frees you to grow and THRIVE because you will be free, empowered beyond words, and nourished to grow. While survival needs are pretty much the same for everyone. Thriving is a unique as a fingerprint or snow flake. Only you can decide what it means to thrive.. This requires time and commitment to discovering yourself. Time you will not have when surviving the conventional way.
I Thrive on waking up when my body is ready, Eating natural food, Having no schedule, Taking long Vacations, Learning new skills, and Spending time on personal growth. What might make you thrive? What really gets you deeply satisfied?
Modern Survival: What are the components of Survival?
What do you need to survive? Car, Bus, House, Food, Water, Electricity, Bathroom, Cellphone, Cable TV, Beer, Companionship, Job? Modern survival is actually what pretty much what everyone is already doing! So the question is this: survival enough for you? Do you feel something is missing and that there must be a better life out there somewhere or some how? It is one thing to survive for your self. Its entirely another thing to survive splitting your efforts and the production from your time with a job or any way of living where you do not directly benefit from 100% of your effort and time.
House/Tiny House
Housing, Food, Income Seems Like All Our Bodies Must Have.. What does your Mind, Dreams, & Spirit need to survive?

Freedom / Time
Ideas / Possibilities

Survive Well: If You want Things to be Different, Then Things are going to have to change
Sound hard? What is the Solution Are you feeling Stuck? I was too. No More! I am Free!
You know the scene and you are ready for the cool winds of change to blow over your body and relief the heat and struggle society shines on you. You know you want change. You can almost taste it! Now it's time to start unlocking your potential as a person. Its time to break the bondage.
I have used years of trial and discovery to unlock the bonds that bound me: I have distilled down thousands of hours of study, put it to the full test, and set aside the successes to finally have a quickly actionable plan for each essential area of life. Getting to the core of each area and issue I discovered an alternative life that is everything life should have been all along.
I know many people are struggling to survive, rebuild lives from disaster divorce and job loss. Others are just ready for change. So ready for a change, in-fact, that they want to move off-grid and step away from what looks like societies collapse. Many younger people don't want granddads miserable life, but don't see an alternative. Others just want a simple good life on the land, but cant break free of the income in the city struggle.
It was scary at first stepping away from all I was programmed to be. Over time it became the normal for me and now I could NEVER do it the old way again! It is my most sincere desire to share what I have learned and see people set free from the system, live well, become their true selves: living in power taking responsibility and authority over themselves. The steps and ideas I discovered are possible for almost anyone to implement. Even those limited by income, or ability. I have seen people from 14 to 76 years old do it! I know you can too!
Even on minimum wage its possible to transition over to this lifestyle in two years. One if you are a real "go-getter." From nothing to living life on your own terms and vacationing out of country for a month or more each year!
I have a Secret to share
We all want nice things. We all want happiness. My motive behind all this is to get people in a place where having taken responsibility & provided all their own systems of support apart from society's normal they will discover that they have something of amazing value within themselves to offer to the world! You see I believe that each person has something special and a unique blend of ideas, spirit, and sight. If they do not discover it or have the freedom to bring it forth then, I myself, and the world are deprived of something amazing..
My dear fellow human: "I speak life over you. Live! Live and grow to discover your true self." Choose to set your self free! No-one can do it for you. I may not be easy. You may need to grow some. Even so, Reach, pull up, walk, and run to "amazingness." Then look back to your fellow humans and point the way in your unique flavor of life.
The simple fast way to Live FREE NOW not "some day"
Here it is: The Simple Survive & Thrive Blueprint
Simple because almost anyone can do it and everything is kept basic & essential.
Survival because most people are only surviving currently. Once you can survive without endless expenses for food and shelter, the 9-5 becomes optional. You will have a stance of power to add what you value to your life and live it on your terms.
Blueprint because its a guide or plan on which you can build. Taking you the most direct route to freedom. With your freedom you can design your life with intentional consideration and move into a life of thriving beyond surviving!
- 1Food: Easy, Fast, Scalable Food Production. Works with the nature & design of the human body. Discover the 2000 calorie lie. Live longer. Provide Your Food Fast. Nutrient Rich Chemical Free Food. 444 Square Foot Provides Survival for 1 person! This can easily be put inside a passive solar greenhouse made affordable with AirCrete. Survival first, then needs & desires. Gardening Is Optional to get started. From start to full production in 4 years. With forage and gardening you can do it in 1 year.
- 2Shelter: Build Your Own Affordable Beautiful Home on Your Land. NO Rent, No Mortgage. Its Yours. 2 Proven methods of building put you in a house fast! In as little a 2 weeks: One person can build a tiny house, for one or two people. If you have no money and no access to money a second building method can be used to get a free and efficient house. Also, if you need shelter today and have a couple hundred to spare its possible to put up a foam board temporary yurt today which pack up neatly into a truck or trailer.
- 3Needs: A value-add product is produced and sold from the food system which covers land taxes, replace clothing, have gas & cell phone service, time, freedom. Basic luxuries like long vacations, hot tubs, cars, and much more is possible with even a minimum wage job. You can work jobs your choose, have the time to start your own business, or you may decide to scale the existing system. Not only this but learn to provide ALL the systems of support for your life. Don't depend on the "system" to get it right.
- 4Deprogram: Fix all the limiting beliefs in your life and unlock your potential to be free & limitless!

What People Are Saying About Our Solution

“I bought my first piece of land in only 1 month of working for various neighbors. Next month I will have enough money to build my first house! I don't have to live with my parents. It doesn't feel real yet.”
“I'm 18 and home schooled. I still don't know what I want to do with my life, but I know I do not want a normal job. I am so excited to know I don't have to do what everyone else is doing.
I never considered that I can actually have my own place. Your videos are great! I think I can build my house by my self. I think I will build several. I bought my first piece of land in only 2 month of working for various neighbors. Next month I will have enough money to build my first tiny house! I don't have to live with my parents. It doesn't feel real yet."
Truman McHargue
“I never considered that food was something I could actually make at home"
“I always liked cooking good food. Good food is expensive and hard to find here in Jacksonville. I never considered that food was something I could actually make at home! What a concept. I just always assumed that food came from giant farms and stores.
Thank you for taking the time to show me how to be more independent"
Samantha Allen
- Office Manager

“Can you ever have too much time?"
“It's a fair question: can you have too much time on your hands?
At first I thought you were being ridiculous when you told me its possible to provide all my needs and have time to find my passion. In-fact, I thought I would go crazy if I had nothing to do all day every day. Somehow, I have had something to do every day. Even when I planed on taking a day off I would get a new idea I wanted to try or meet a friend and hangout with them.
After the webinars on attitude and beliefs I was motivated to do the exercises. At first I was freaking out just a bit when I was sitting in silence. The exercises on finding and changing beliefs was actually life changing. So life changing I have been living in a temporary yurt on family land for a year now and I am ready to find my own land and build an real house. You know the best part? After watching your AirCrete videos I feel really good about it. I can do this. Thank you for everything you showed me!"
Shane Adams
- Software Developer
Take Control of Your Life. Obtain lasting survival NOW & Be Free To Live Life On Your Terms.
Homesteading, Off-grid Living, Backup Plan, Early Retirement, Bugout Location, Natural Food, Freedom to Do What You Want, Life Control. There are many reasons to desire a better life. Why stay stuck in the matrix rate race; only to survive without any freedom or time to life life?
End The Guesswork and Discover a Whole New Way To Build Life The Way You Want It To Be! Survive: job lay offs, market crash, grand solar minimum, food shortages & poisoning, the boring conventional life that takes away your dreams and freedom.
Click the BUY IT NOW button and Secure A Blueprint Covering Everything Required To Survive!

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What are people saying who took the Webinar Classes

“This is the answer I have been waiting for! "
“I live a simple life anyway so I can travel the world and help others.
However, its hard when I come home. I do not have a home and my junk is stretched out over the country. Stashed in friends storage sheds and garages. I really wanted a place of my own to land and recoup while saving money for the next trip. This is the answer I have been waiting for! My sister let me build on her land. I have already started building my little house. I will have a home and still have money to go back to Thailand this year. When I'm finish with the house my sister can use it as a studio. Next year I plan on buying my own land and build another house on it year after that. I will be so nice to have a place to retire to when I get to old to travel."
Im Simple
- Humanitarian
“I want to live off grid in Arazona where land is cheap and I think this is the answer"
“After taking the air crete course I really like the idea. I'm honestly not decided if I will build with air crete. I will say this however, I want to live off grid in Arazona where land is cheap and I think this is the answer i was looking for. A way that I can grow food out in the desert with only the water I collect from my roof"
Clarence Beatty
- Retired

Daniel Allen
Creator of [Simple Survive & Thrive Blueprint]
About the Author
30 years of experience in the construction industry and lifestyle researcher; Daniel has trialed every method of building alternative, natural and conventional while growing food after a personal SHTF life event. He has lived the things he teaches.
From personal experience, not theory, Daniel believes everyone has the right to live free and live well at any level of income. He also believes anyone willing to not accept no for an answer can build an amazing free lifestyle now. Not someday when you retire and are to old to enjoy doing what you want. He has seen to many people get sick and die after retirement. Having never lived their dreams.
I want to eat my steak and potatoes Not eat nuts or fruit
I understand. Remember we are reaching for survival first. Once this is achieved, you can add animals or vegetables to your plate. Its all about getting free fast. You will find a lot of time on your hands in which you can forage, hunt, or raise animals if that is desirable. You might also trade for the items you don't produce!
This program is your steps to survival. With the basics take care of you decide what it means to thrive and then you move in that direction!
No way you can grow all your own food in 444 SqFt. I have raised gardens for years and I know it takes a lot more space.
You are comparing apples to vegetables. The conventional diet requires 2000 calories because only 20% of that energy is delivered to your cells. The rest is used for digestion or simply not absorbable by the human gut.
The same is true of chickens and cows. Feed them grain and 80% goes poo onto the ground; wasted. However, sprout that grain and it becomes 80% digestible requiring much less food for the same energy levels. Plus they get vitamins and enzymes. Its called fodder. Similarly, humans can digest fruit at 90% or higher efficiency. The human gut resembles none other than a frugivore. I personally tested this and found that even though I was working physically harder than I have in my life. For a year I lived on 400 fruit calories each day. When eating most vegetables and meat you only get around 20% of its energy potential delivered to your cells; that is 400 calories!
Now, remember survival first then thrive. I would expect high vitamin food like the miracle tree planted as vegetable along with vegetables to be planted in a bio-intensive manner will be part of the process. This allows all nutrition you need to be delivered. You will of course add to this basic existence the things you love. The trees use vertical growing space and are trimmed in a certain manner as to not use much space. You would have 324 Square Feet of planting area from vitamin/nutrition crops. Also, don't forget about forage.
Advantages vs Disadvantages
Here's a section that you can use for many purposes. For example, you can use it to showcase how your solution is better than other solutions out there. Or, compare the problems your reader is facing right now with the great solutions they'll enjoy once they purchase.
The Pros List
The Cons List

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