Live Without Limits
SCOTTY DANIEL ALLEN education and hands on skills to build a better lifestyle using alternative materials and alternative incomes. No more existing and getting by wishing you could have something else and be somewhere else, but cannot because of inflation, a job, rent/mortgage payments. No more limits! Lets build the skills to create the life style based on alternative buildings that makes our hearts sing. Acquiring skills and practical applications for specialized knowledge puts the power to design your lifestyle to serve your highest interest with workshops, video course, and personal guidance. Get a Free copy of the introduction to "the possible" E-Book when you sign up for my email list. A look at what is possible and within the power of one {wo}man
from a mighty Tribe in Scotland meaning a “wanderer.” For the Anglo-Saxons, Scott’s name also means “painted warrior.”
formed by the combination of Hebrew words Din and El. Din means “to judge,” and El meaning power or force often undefinable but undeniable sometimes referred to as “God.” So the meaning of Daniel is “Power of my Judgement.”
derived from two separate sources: Ailin, in Irish and Scottish Gaelic, means both "little rock" and "harmony",
The story of the name
Struggling with everything skool, society and cult-ture calls "normal" I always maintained a connection to the sacred in nature and a knowing the "things" and people of this "world" are just not "right." It took some years of wandering between jobs, educations, carriers, and faith before I finally spoke within my own heart what was true and called things what they are. Starting with my earliest memories I reframed everything calling evil for for evil and good as good I sought only truth. This questioning judgement of everything lead me to distinguish evil from good things & people giving me the power to make right choice and changes within my mind and life to move beyond the limiting beliefs as well as programs placed on me by the mind control program run by society and parroted by school, friends, and family. I discovered the truth that I was capable of doing anything that any other person could do and I did not need to turn over my power to others for money. This meant I could have my desires fulfilled without financial limits and years working a job.
Enveloping everything for a lifestyle of freedom that makes my heart sing I collected every good and useful gem of knowledge from the world I began to seek Wonderful Diverse Mysteries which lead me to amazing modern ideas coupled with ancient wisdom and also to see the unseen spiritual world behind the physical. This completed my purpose to walk my new journey.
Now, having over come my limits and building an alternative to dependence on corporations and their greed I share this knowledge with you who are ready to come out of being whirled around this world out of control with dreams always just out of reach. From finding your value and creating a business, building an affordable alternative home, learning how to use meditation to take you back to source where prayers are always answered within minuets and beyond this world on an ever-new exciting journey of discovering ones true potential al the way from manifestation, creation, the laws of creation, and teleporting. By taking responsibility for everything and never taking no for an answer I have build a beautiful harmonious life on a rock solid foundation not shifting with political opinion and narratives of disempowerment. No more wandering through life feeling like something important is missing. Only an ever new exciting life giving journey.
Rather than use some fancy cleaver corporation name I decided that in my name is a life Philosophy a true intellectual process to get to the best possible place in life. Lets stop submitting to and serving evil cooperate greed and body politic while wandering after meaningless stuff and ambitions. Judge for ourselves with guidance from source/creator power what is good for ourselves and lay aside every evil that is a weight to our heart and every habit that ensnares us from doing that which we would love; leaving evil to live in harmony with all that is! Lets build the good we want to see!
I spent not only my money by decades of my life advancing my career, but it always seemed like I could never have enough of be smart enough to do everything I wanted. To live off grid in a beautiful life. After taking the AirCrete video course and then the in person hands on workshop I was able to buy land, build a home, create an income online and walk away from the heartless cooperate world. I could never return to that life and I am so grateful for the new life I have!
Jenny Martins // Ex-Industrial food engineer
After getting out of the military and gong throuh a nasty divorce I just needed to get my head on straight. Seeing Scotty's classes located in the remote desert southwest it seemed like a win-win. I could get some solitude and pick up the skills to rebuild my life and do something meaningful with the little money left out of the sale of my home and lawyers fees.
I must say the value took out of this class was SO MUCH MORE than i expected. It was like a spiritual experience rooted deeply in the earth. The new friends, the skills, the personal attention and life coaching was a breath of fresh air.
Josh Samuel // Firefighter
I wanted to have skills to bring to a permaculture community because living in community is something I really believe is important. So I took the class. The depth of information was far more extensive than I ever imagined. Every single thing needed to build a functional home was taught. Though a bit overwhelming the fact that I have access to the video course to go back and review what I need to know has been a huge help.
I attended two other alternative building workshops with other people and they do not even begin to approach the level of knowledge taught by Daniel.
George Dune // Yoga Instructor
it's time to choose
What suits you best? Workshop or Online Video Course?
SCOTTY DANIEL ALLEN Workshop Even Information
Next Classes Available for 2024
Make 2024 the year your life changed. Learn to Make & Build With AirCrete at the Best most complete School & Workshop Ever!
This event is FAR more than just how to make AirCrete! This is a complete Life Building Course. Learn all the skills to build a functional home/tiny-house. AirCrete Safety Engineering, slip form Casting to save time and labor, Electric, Plumbing, Solar System Design & Building, Compost Flush Toilets, Sizing Air-Conditioning for AirCrete, Installing Mini-Split HVAC, Reducing Property Tax and so much more.
New Skills added to the upcoming 14 day workshop!
- How to build an online business
- Cast Earth Natural building for under $6/Square-Foot
- Introduction to living legally in the private
- What is the smallest possible area to grow and garden to feed one (wo)man and how to make it work without purchased inputs!
- Rain Water Collection & Use
- Nigh Sky Radiant Cooling & Radiant Heating
Get unstuck in your life and start living it on your time & terms by getting rid of the never ending rent or mortgage payments. Retire to the country in an affordable manageable sized home. Rebuild your life in a beautiful new way. Use that extra money & time to build the life you want. Retire as soon as possible, make the big J-O-B optional, recover from life disaster (including divorce), buy nicer things, take that trip you always wanted to, live off grid, be free, be independent, learn new skills, meet amazing people, build a community, help people in other countries, and more. By getting these skills you will be empowered to live life on your terms!
A lot of people say you can't be free or are waiting for a savior or even worse, still expecting government to get it right and come save them. You cant just sit around expecting things to get better. You have to make your life better now. Exit the Babylon system and Build both homes and strategies that set you free now!
This is not "escapism," "retreatism," or even "defeatism." Politics or protesting, and fighting the system do NOTHING meaningful.
Those who want real change choose to BE the change they wish to see. Engaging in building their lives by doing the HARD WORK of making freedom happen - right now, in our lifetimes.
We’re not abdicating our responsibilities to crooked politicians.
We’re taking responsibility for our own lives, our own liberties, and our own future.
And we’re staying focused on our mission of achieving lasting liberty for generations by building freedom from the ground up (literally, in the form of intentional communities).
That’s what the Tiny Giant Lifestyle is all about.
See, most people are in a reactive mindset. They’re rocked back and forth by the waves of "what’s happening now." Russia, China, Ukraine, Tragedy, Fake news, cooties-19, idiocy… Political Blunders… And around and around they go, spinning on the never-ending carousel of the 24-hour news cycle intentionally designed to manipulate your emotions, confuse your mind, and keep you trapped on the ride without ever making any progress toward your goals or liberty.
The way out of this mess is through being PROACTIVE.
Be the captain of your own ship to cut a straight course through the noisy waves of nonessential news to your destination. Block out the winds of blustering idiots nattering on about the latest gossip or scandal.
Stay on the path of freedom!
And put all of your energy and focus into building your way out of the corrupt system and into a system of liberty, peace, and voluntary cooperation.
That’s what we’re doing over here building Paid for homes, eliminating debt, growing food and building alternative economies with people like us who love to live free.
We’re not waiting for someone else to give us anything.
We’re out here experimenting and trying new things, new systems, new ways of organizing human society.
It all begins with the Terlingua School of Alternative Building
The majority of Americans do nothing more in life than pay 3 or more times a house value over 30 years and buy a car with a few nice toys to feel better. Day after day they force themselves up to a job to make payments. They cant pursue their dreams, travel, or seek adventure. If they show up late they are treated like a child and taking extra days off to enjoy life could cost them their home, car, spouse. Living under a threat like this is hardly freedom.
The new normal, at this time when the world you knew is being taken over and changed and the new normal is deception, masked censorship, and uncertain financial futures as corporations and government work together to take everything. Nothing is more empowering freeing and certain than the ability to live debt and rent free in an insulating nontoxic AirCrete home built with your own hands.
The Great Stupid Reset, while the world bankers are planning own and control everything including you while charging you for every function of life. The best way to win their game is not play! Between food shortages, major private business losses as well as job losses as society is forcefully restructured there stands a real possibility of another great depression. Sounds bad, but there is also opportunity. Own your property and the house you built and you have a very good foundation to live a great life and find the opportunity. Exit and Build!
There truly is nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, that can set you on a better path in life than building your own home and living rent/mortgage free! Do you love your job and life & pop out of bed excited for the day? Was it your idea to live this way? What would you do tomorrow, or right now for that matter, if you could do anything you wanted and there was no fall out or boss to answer to? Where would you be? What would you be doing? Who would you do it with? Just take the time and imagine that for a moment.. Go ahead!
Other workshops do not teach. They may charge $1200 for camp fire songs, yoga, chanting, oh and AirCrete. They build on an aircrete foundation without a footing below the frost line and that structure will surely crack. They will charge extra for a place to put your tent and still more money for food. All without anything that makes a modern home pleasurable. You know, things like a toilet, bath, plumbing in general, electricity, heating, cooling, inside walls ect.. The helpers themselves do not understand safety or construction. They are just parroting back "mix some foam with Portland" like this. They can not teach the understanding that allows you to safely engineer and build your own home and know for sure it will function in their climate efficiently. A home is NOT a tropical third world shell! Its much more than that. Its your well being, safety, warmth, cool, security, appliances, and the systems that support comfortable life. Its a place to nurture your body, mind and spirit.
Our Workshops Goal is to Teach You Every Skill You Need to Know to Make Your Functional Home
- Build a Foam Generator (if you bring the parts)
- Design & Engineer AirCrete so that it is safe and heats/cools in your climate
- Heat load Calculation & Installing Your Air Conditioner/Heater
- Basic Electric House Wiring
- Wire/Breaker Sizing
- Appropriate Wires Sizing for Loads
- Solar Electric System Design
- How to Locate & Install Solar Panels
- Build Lithium Battery Packs to Save Money
- Worm Composting Flush Toilet
- Poured Earth, Under $3 Per Sq/Ft Why its better than rammed earth, Adobe, Cob and Earth Ships
- How to Harvest and Use Rain Water and know how much you need and how much you can collect in your climate
Additionally, the last two days of the workshop are open for any subject the students want to cover. Here are some topics available are in our customized personal one-on-one workshops that could be covered:
- Life Style Design
- Aquaponics
- Hydroponics
- Tall Spindle Apple Growing
- Total Food Production
- Off-Grid Living
- Foraging
- Ladek Farming
- Cover Cropping
- Permaculture
- Rotational Grazing
- Water Catchment Methods
Benefits of Building With AirCrete
Tornado Resistant Round Structures, Rat/Pest, Flood-Rot Proof, Fire-Proof, Sound Resistant, Energy Efficient in any climate, Affordable, Expandable, Energy Efficient, Low-Toxicity
Who Can Benefit From Taking one of our Programs?
- Anyone Wanting to sell their home in town and retire off-grid or live in a more manageable size house with the feeling of accomplishment of living in something you made with your own hands
- Anyone Recovering from the Covid plandemic & Not-so-great Reset
- Anyone with limited skills wishing to expand what is possible
- Anyone Wanting the Best Possible Alternative Construction Method; Comfort In Any Climate
- Anyone Who is Financially Limited & Wants the Greatest Return for Time & Money Invested
- Anyone who see the failure of society/culture and wants a free better choice of lifestyle
- Anyone Who Wants to Build Their Own Home & is Ready For Something Outside The Box
- Anyone wanting practical and complete systems for living Off-Grid
- Anyone Who is Recovering from Personal or Natural Disaster and in Need of a Home: fire, flood, divorce, job loss
- Anyone wanting Independence and security from pandemics and craziness that can happen during times of social stress in the cities
- Anyone Wanting an Beautiful Home: Dome, Cylinder, Arch, Normal Rectangle
- Anyone Doubting or Not Sure they Can Start and Finish Building a Home
- Anyone Needing Experience & Support to Learn an Entirely New Skill
- Anyone With Doubts about AirCrete
- Anyone Wanting to Live Rent & Mortgage Free
- Anyone Wanting to make the 9 to 5 J-O-B rat-race Optional
- Anyone Wanting to Live on the Land or Homestead
- Anyone Wanting a Vacation house, shelter, or Bug-out Location
- Anyone Wanting to Live Off Grid
- Anyone Wanting a Superior home that is Toxin Free
- Anyone Who is Afraid of Mistakes and Doesn't Believe in their Abilities
- Builders Who Want to Experience a New Building Method
- Anyone Wanting to build comfortable homes for others overseas with materials that are available world wide
- Anyone wanting to escape the city and get away from the "craziness" of zombie cities and en-forcement
- Anyone Tired of Banks or land lords controlling their life and ready to escape the city to a free off-grid lifestyle
If You Can Lift 20 Pounds, climb a ladder, and learn then you can build with AirCrete. Even if that means learning the process and hiring labor to do it for you. A starter tiny-house can be paid for by a minimum wager earner in as little as 5 weeks and assembled in 2 weeks. A 16 year old boy and a 76 year old man have both built their own tiny house after attending an AirCrete workshop!
Know that you know you can do it because you have done it!
Take a tour of some of the past AirCrete Tiny House Building Projects
2018 October Workshop: Students Raising Forms
2019 Workshop: 201 Square Foot AirCrete Off-Grid Tiny House
2021 April Workshop Project 170 SqFt Tiny House
2022 April Workshop 170 SqFt Mini Pueblo Tiny House
May 2022 Workshop: Tiny House & Solar Porch
April 2023 Workshop: Window & Door Frames
2020 Project: A Double Shower and Toilet Tiny/Micro AirCrete House
2021 October Workshop, 170 SqFt Tiny House
2022 April Workshop 170 SqFt Mini Pueblo Tiny House Inside
Inside TinyHouse from May 2022
April 2023 Workshop Class
2023 April Workshop: Preparing Foundation
Learn to Design in 3D
Learn Hands on How Your Are Going to Completely Finish Your Beautiful New Affordable Home for $36+ Per Square Foot!
Come & Go at Any Time!
Learning Packed 14 Day Event
2 AirCrete Rooms Available to stay at the event!
First Week Covers All AirCrete Building Subjects
Agenda by the day(though schedule may vary):
A two day value packed program. The First week is everything you need to know to build a functional AirCrete house. The optional second week is focused more on off grid homesteading type knowledge
- Start of Event. Starting 9:00 AM, Meet & Greet. Forming up the foundation. Evening, Plumbing Basics, Pour Foundation,
- Set Molds, Formulas, Making & Casting AirCrete, Set Electric Conduit. Evening Session: How to engineer AirCrete for Safety & Environment
- Make & Cast AirCrete; Evening Training Session: Sizing & Installing Mini Split Air conditioner Heat Pump.
- Make & Cast AirCrete Evening Session: Worm Compost Flush Toilets & Other Waste System Options
- Make & Cast AirCrete Evening Session: Solar System Design for your life & Climate
- Make & Cast AirCrete Evening Session: Building a foam machine (Bring your own parts).
- Build the Bond Beam and Apply the Fabric Finish. Evening Session: Nano Technology for paint, Q&A
- Roof Truss Design & Building; PM Class: Designing Roof Trusses
- Installing Roof, anchoring, and Applying Fabric
- Natural Poured Earth Building that looks and preforms like a modern building for under $3 per square foot.
- Gardening, Water Collection, Permaculture
- Building an Online Business, PM Class Using Blender 3D to design & Plan Your House
- Introduction to legal/lawful things. Doing Business in the Private, how to stand and stay in your "square" to lay down your law, and more
- Q&A, Class Potluck Lunch, Packing up to leave
The plan is to be finished with working by "noon-ish." Then we take a 2 hour lunch.
Each Evening after lunch a different Training: Build a Foam Machine to Take Home (Only if You bring your own parts. Click for parts list), Learn Worm Composting Flush Toilet, Design Solar Power Systems, Volt/Ohm/Amp Meter Training, sizing and installing air-conditioning mini split systems, introduction to lawful standing, and other topics
Nights: You are welcome to Hanging Out, Make New Friends & network with amazing people, Take a Soak in the national park Hot Springs, Karaoke on Thursdays or just rest for the next day.
You are welcome to stay an additional week to participate in finishing work on the tiny houses or other subject matters.
Learn These Skills at this workshop as you Build a Tiny House
- Tools You Need & How to Use Them so you are empowered to move forward
- Prepare foundation for services such as electric/utilities ect.
- Build a Foam Generator (if you bring your parts) so you are ready to start your own building
- Make AirCrete, Know how to engineer for your climate and weights such as snow loads so that you know how to safely build a comfortable home
- Understand and Adjust AirCrete Formulas for your needs with understanding
- Apply Re-enforcing fabric to complete the building system so that your structure is strong and enduring
- Finish Coat Application Seals out the water and Nano-Tech Paint makes for maximum energy Efficiency to reduce operating cost.
- Electric Wiring so you safely & confidently know how to handle and install electricity & wiring for plugs lights & appliances that make life better
- Sanitation, installing a Worm Composting Flush Toilet system so you can be ecologically responsible and not have to smell poop or carry poop no explain odd odors to guest
- Size & Install Air-conditioning so that you maintain comfort at the temperature you choose in your climate
- Solar Power Design, Solar Orientation, Inverters. Know exactly what your power needs are and how to provide the power for your life with the best possible equipment and price. All without monthly utility bills
- Build Solar Lithium Battery Packs and install Battery Management Systems and save thousands over hiring a company to do it for you and be enabled to maintain your own systems without dependence on contractors
- Build an Insulating roof system to keep the weather off your head where 76% of all heat gain and loss occurs
- Install Tile Flooring & Discuss Floating Alternative Floor and Discuss on other options such as poured earth and have a beautiful good feeling floor under your feet
- Solar Hot Water for your bath and kitchen without continuous bill for producing hot water.
- Water Catchment & Water Recycling so that you are ecologically responsible and able to provide for your needs without paying thousands to drill a well that may or may not work
$1595 To Attend This Awesome Extensive Training Experience
Bring 2 people; a spouse, a friend, To The Event for $2175. Families my bring all children for no additional fee. Children must be with adult supervision at all times.
(pets welcome, must be restrained when pouring cement and able to be friendly to strangers and other animals).
If you are are bringing additional friends or associates buy the first ticket for $1595 and each additional person pays $797. You will receive a coupon discount code after buying the first ticket for your friends to apply and save half price!
Payment plan is available.
Limited Attendance: Deposits & Payments Plans Available!
Discount for Crypto & Liberty Dollar Payments
Seats Available For October Event
Days Remaining To Next Workshop Event
You missed out!
Video Testomonials
Knowing something.. but doing something are two different things. I really learned a lot at the workshop. This was the most comprehensive course out there
I'm In the middle of a life changing event and I want to live within my means. I want to escape the oppressive State I live in. So I though of different ways to get off grid. AirCrete seems to be the most reasonable amount of work vs the amount of reward you get. AirCrete is not as easy as I thought, but its not difficult. Doing by your self is possible, but having two hands would make the work much more reasonable. Once I can leave California I plan to move to a freedom loving state to buy some land and be the first student to complete his AirCrete house. Knowing something, but doing something are two different things. I really learned a lot at the workshop. This was the most comprehensive course out there. Doing everything in one: electric, plumbing, solar, and everything. It was a great value for the money. For anyone listening. If & when you come to one of these workshops.. Its a learning working experience. You NEED to be ready to get your hands dirty. Get in the middle of the mix. If you feel like you are being left out give a polite elbow, jump in a get involved.
Ken// Navy, Retired
We have learned so much. We cant wait to start our project and you should do it too
Great 2 weeks! Learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. How to keep a focused head. Meet a lot of great people. Got to build my first house . I look forward to doing this in the near future
Doctors Charlene & Ron // Doctor & Naturopathic Dr
Charles // Fire Fighter
I feel very confident that I can now make quality AirCrete by replicating what I was shown here. I am very pleased with the workshop
I came out to do the AirCrete workshop with Mr Daniel. I stumbled across this on YouTube. It very much appealed to the self reliance. Having met him it has only reinforced that. He is a wizard when comes to construction and he's got a heart of gold.
It was fun to me. We experimented with the mixing process and found out its probably best to not over whip it because it takes more time and its probably more dense than you are aiming for. There is a window in AirCrete. Its fairly forgiving material. Had a great time playing around with it. The unplanned lessons were good. We adjusted and fixed problems and moved on. Even with excessive handling of a batch of AirCrete it was quite resilient. I had a nice feel on my bear feet. A little spongy. I feel very confident that I can now make quality AirCrete by replicating what I was shown here. Also, I know that I can contact Mr Daniel and he will help me through a tough spot. I am very pleased with the workshop.
If you are considering doing this your future self will thank you. It was very well worth my time money & energy I put into this. I feel very confident I will have an AirCrete cabin.
Learned a lot about what to do and what not to do....
Great 2 weeks! Learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. How to keep a focused head. Meet a lot of great people. Got to build my first house . I look forward to doing this in the near future.
Mike // Oil Field & Repo Specialist
Near Terlingua Texas off Terlingua Ranch Road we are located about 4 1/2 hour from El Paso Texas & about 3 1/2 hours from Midland Odessa Airports and 1 hour south of Alpine Texas. There is also Amtrak and buss service to Alpine Texas which is 80 miles from the site. We can pick you up from the bus station or Amtrak if you arrive at-least one day in advance of the workshop and leave a day after the event.
Contact info, Map & details of event location provided after checkout.
After Checkout You Will Be Sent to a Page With Specific Location and Directions! Bookmark it!
We have TWO on-site AirCrete Rooms. The Raven Room with a Queen Sized Bed and the Nippon Room with a Double Sized Bed. Both available to Rent if you would like to experience life inside an AirCrete Structure during the Event and know what its like! First-Come-First-Serve.
Details inside E-Mail after purchase of this event.
If you Would like to Book a stay in the AirCrete Room any time outside the workshop schedule you are invited! Click Here
This is the most busy time of year for this area! The cooler weather brings bikers taking scenic rides, Campers & Tourist to Big Bend National & state parks, Golfers going to the lajitas resort, hunting season, as well as the terlingua international chili championship and bird watchers visiting the Christmas mountain Oasis Lodging can run out fast. Make Your Reservations ASAP.
*Terlingua Ranch Lodge Cabins, Camping, RV (Swimming Pool) 6 MIles from the building site.
Long Horn Inn Inn & RV (Swimming Pool)
There are also a number of Air BnB rooms in the area!
The Ghost Town is a fairly long drive. 38'ish miles one way
You are also welcome to Primitive Tent/Car Camp On The Site FREE! Tent Camp, Car Camp, Bring an RV (no hookups) We have toilets & Showers on site. Showers are available at the Terlingua lodge camp ground 6 miles away.
Bring everything you need! There is a grocery store 38 miles away. There is a restaurant at the ranch lodge 6 miles away, and the longhorn motel 13 miles away, as well as in the ghost town 40+ miles away. Ice is available at ranch office 6 miles away,
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
If, for any reason with the video course, you can get a full anytime within 7 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund. The live workshops require a serious commitment to host and we require that you attend when you purchase a workshop. There are no refunds or chargebacks for workshops. You are placing a non refundable donation when you order a workshop. We understand the "life" happens so if you wish you may reschedule your workshop for any other workshop event. You may also reattend for free if you believe you need additional help beyond the online video course included with workshop donations. T-shirts must be first returned to obtain a refund.
Only you can answer that. Take a look at the suffering and control of the world around you. If freedom matters in your heart they you have to take responsibility to build it your self and learn the skills to live apart from the corporations and their goods & services, and jobs. Build your income, build your home, build your tools, build your gardens, build your life without dependence because you are master to the one whom you serve
It is possible, but are you willing? It does take a healthy self examination and some things DO have to be given up. However, there is nothing another man can do that you can not learn to do IF you care to. Combined with the interest and skill of community it becomes much more possible and less burdensome. From food, shelter, to metal working and plastic manufacture, and even electronics it IS possible to do all these things your self. All things are possible. Do you care enough to change?
Every kill you need to make a functional home. Foundation, plumbing, electric, solar power design, safety engineering, calculating heat/air-conditioner sizes, how to design and build trusses for the roof and install a roof, how to use nano materials to make heat reflect away form a house to reduce energy usage, how to garden all you food, introduction to legal and tax matters, how to buy land, how to create a business, how to get water from the sky, and much more,
Yes, the video course has everything you need to know from foundation to finish, but without the hands on experience. The video course is provided as the reference material for the hands on course.