Speaking & Interview Request
Lets Talk Real Actionable Solutions
Schedule speaking engagements & interviews. 30 Years of solution building. A lifetime of solutions to build community & parallel economies.
In a world facing what seems like endless problems and limits let me be the first to tell you this. There are SO MANY SOLUTIONS to EVERYTHING! We have ALL the answers and I would love to share them!
My entire lifetime has been solutions and problem-solving-based. Let's talk about one example. People tire of evil-corp ruining the world. They tire of evil corp destroying the earth. They tire of spending their life's only real currency; their time. Working jobs without meaning or purpose for survival only. Meanwhile, there are ever-increasing barriers to a good free life. What could the answer be?
In the extreme imagine a community and private society. This village of 200 people have every need without expense. Housing, food, transportation, community, energy, and opportunity are all free. This freedom exists because of a solutions-based mindset without profiteering and evil governance. Self-governance and responsibility allow one to break free. What is responsibility but the ability to respond and make change? Free to pursue a life of adventure, freedom, meaning, and growth. Do you currently have the ability to change the governement or have everything you need without owning someone something? This is the very issue we are addressing, The ability to make change in your world directly. The power to choose your greatest version of your own life.
How would such a community accomplish such a feat? What would make a new type of society fit for a good lifestyle were everyone can grow and prosper? First, Let's start at the foundation of life.
12 makes Self Responsible Governance
1. Water, food, housing, energy, sanitation, security, peace. Pure free clean water from the sky.

2. Food grows in organic compost worm-powered hydroponics. In a perfect environment, plants grow fast without fail. With concentrated nutrients, the food is super nourishing and chemical-free. This is a foundation of healthy minds and bodies. Add robotics to tend and harvest the crops now no one has to work a farm unless they love it.
3. Housing made from earth, AirCrete, mushrooms, and plants. Hand made and 3D printed everyone has a beautiful functional better than a modern home.

4. Energy from the sun for free. Blackberry juice solar cells that reprint themselves every week. Algae oil to produce diesel and gasoline. Create a carbon-neutral power source using the sun, CO2 from the air, and nutrients from waste. Add a Pantone geet fuel processor or plasmoid device to an onsite-made engine. This way very little fuel is required. Connect the exhaust to the water heater and hot water is free. Tapp earth current, or install a neutrino generator. Energy is abundant, free, local, and non-polluting.
5. Advanced material and manufacture. Bioplastics are made from plants and algae oil. Metals are recycled. Products are manufactured on-site from locally sourced material. 3d printing in plastic and metal coupled with CNC machining and electro-etching. Metal casting for engines, knives, and tooling. We have the technology to create anything. Even clothing. Leather from kombucha and cows. Cloth from fiber extrusion or machine-woven natural fibers. Everything can be made locally and onsite.

6. Human waste is worm composted and sanitized to create feedstocks for algae and plant growing.
7. All created goods are recycled or upcycled on-site. This environmentally responsible waste stream management is earth-friendly.

8. Wealth creation is easy when survival is not a fight. Real-world wealth is health, freedom, loved ones, self-growth and expansive lifestyles of freedom.
9. REAL Education creates a community of strong-minded people. Any problem can be solved together. Growth-minded people grounded in truth are not easily controlled or mined for profits.

10. Security. Located remotely or within boundries where neither uncle-damn nor undesirables are able to enter the community. Ex-military and police are well-equipped to maintain security. With a clearly defined constitution, no harm or profit is made of others. Openness, love, forgiveness, and protection are balanced. The community of not more than 200 knows everyone and these are the people who collectively make the best choices when issues arrise.

11. Local exchange currency removes manipulation of bankers. Currency Based on real physical assets and human participation time. Money can not be devalued, taxed, or accumulated to the detriment of others. This could be quantium safe cloudCoin type digital or physical contracts titles.
12. Voting and governmenance is a phone app. Anyone can place any item up for voting. Individual community members votes by funding or refraining from funding an activity. No one can pass laws to control or limit anyone. Removal from the community is by 80% vote of people who know you. Leaving the community you cash out all your time and possessions into precious metals. You can't take or sell your community property, but you can cash out so your value goes with you.

Sampling of Real Solutions that Exist NOW!
This is just a sampling of real solutions that exist. Parallel communities and economies can prosper and set us free from evil-corp. The community could also be virtual. A team could grow & deliver food, another team build housing. Products manufactured and shipped to meet all needs without purchase from corporations. Thus replacing evil-corp in our lives. Teams of legal counsel could provide salvation and protection from rights trespass. The solutions are endless! We have answers to EVERYTHING! All good things ARE possible for those who walk in light and love
Now, it's your turn. What will you do with the rest of your life? Will you contribute to building banker's dreams in exchange for food housing a few toys and a short vacation? Will you get survival sorted and join the parallel private society?
If you find this stimulating to think about contact me for private consults, speaking engagements, or interviews for media.
Daniel AlleN ™