September 19, 2018 in Ideas For Freedom, MindSet
What exactly is the Tiny Giant LifeStyle?
It is basically a design science where every single aspect of your life is examined and refined to fulfill the desire of your heart. This way all your life's energy can produce a result that benefits you not a banker.
The first step for any life is a "paid for" home, We teach how to build a home that even a minimum wage earner could build within 1-2 years.
From there it starts getting truly exciting as you build our your desires, and then move on to contributing your unique self value to the world.
We Will Be holding A Workshop in the Spring Where You Can Learn To Build A Single Person Tiny House in as little as 3 days! Yes, the 3 Day Tiny House!
3 Days for the shell and move into the house in as little as a week!