by Dan 

How Does The Foam Machine Work To Inflate Cement Into AirCrete


November 27, 2018 in Tools, Beginner, How To

The Magical Foam Wand

A question I get asked all the time is how does the foam machine make foam for injecting into concrete.  It seems like such a magical thing to many people.  It is actually very simple.  In the same manner as a bubble wand used by children all over the world a bubble is made by blowing air through a loop which holds a film of soapy water.  The foam machine is really that simple. Water and Air are pumped into a common tune which flows through a foam wand containing stainless steel wool.  The thousands of tiny loops in the "wool" catch the water/soap solution and hold while the air passing through blows bubbles.  The bubbles are further chopped up by a maze of tiny smaller loops in the stainless "wool." These bubbles, numbering in the millions, are then mixed and untrained by the cement.

In This Video Is A short Clip From Our "Introduction To AirCrete" video course. It shows you exactly how to build a foam wand. This wand does magical things for cement, but its not magic at all. Be sure to refer your friends and associates who might build their own home.  When Enough Peopole You Refer Sign Up You Get A FREE Copy Of Our Introduction to AirCrete Video Course!

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