by Dan 

Live Your Perfect Life Now! Why Wait?


The vast majority of modern man spends the majority of his/her prime life trading time for money to pay for a house and have good food on the table. Some choose to rent, others manage to buy a house and make payments.  Then by the end of your productive years you might have a home to stay in instead of a home to pay-in.  THEN you can go do what you want to do.

The question I have is.. Why wait?  In this video I do a quick lifestyle design showing how it really is possible for a minimum wage earner to have a land, a starter house, and a nice long vacation in two years!  Yes, Two!  Having a house paid for, no rent, no mortgage what might you choose to do with the rest of your life?

I have met many disenchanted millennials who really do not want to live a life working a job as well as older people who gave their life to a company only to be given the finger and now they dont have the heart to start over.  I offer these ideas as a spring board into the possible.  When we challenge everything we know and question everything we believe it becomes possible to discover amazing possibilities for a beautiful life most people will never know.

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