by Dan 

Secret AirCrete Building Ingredient


February 15, 2019 in MindSet

The One Secret AirCrete Ingredient No-one Tells You About is persistence! A number of people have expressed the concern that they might not be able to finish an AirCrete home project.

Even Professionals Are often feeling resistance when a task seems so big it doesn't feel like you can ever get over it. However, just first commit to doing what every takes no matter what before you begin. Then just keep pecking away taking daily action. Never give up. The giant will fall! The job will get finished.

If you are a negative person you should take a look at your default state. Notice what thought and words are going on all day every day. When something negative comes up just stop and ask "What Would It Take To [insert positive thing here]." Eventually, your mind will kick in and start giving you some answer to "what if." Do This for 30 days to form a habit. Then you are much more likely to finish what you start!

If anyone can do it then you can too!

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