AirCrete is a CompositeBuilding Material You Can Make To Use When Building Your Own Affordable Tiny House!
Portland cement is expanded 6 times. One 92 Pound bag makes 6 Cubic Feet Of Material. This mixture is lightweight and insulating. Its forgiving and easy to learn & work with. We can teach most people in as little as one day at a workshop how to make and build with it. If you are willing to learn, make mistakes, and keep trying then you can do it.
We do not try to show you the building of a house in this video. Rather we show you every step to make and use the material. From there it really amounts to using mortar to stack blocks and build a brick or cast house. There are endless amounts of information on the internet about such processes.
If you would like a more detailed video about making AirCrete as well as the foam machine then please go to our store and Pre-order a copy of the video "Introduction To AirCrete." It is a very detailed video on making and using AirCrete.

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Im so glad glad we can get together. You have talked or though about building your own house for a while, and now you've heard about tiny houses and this weird new "AirCrete thing" that you can use to get house for $38 per square foot. We are super busy this time of year and I know you are as well. I really am glad we could find this time to get together. So, lets get this kicked off and show you how you can build your own AirCrete house. If you need fluds in or out pause this video and do it now. You may want to silence your phone and close social media for just a few minuets. You dont want to miss this potentially life-building information.
I'm going to tell how to build with AirCrete and a little about our products. Then I am going to offer you a link to a survey where tell me a little about your self and find out if you are a good fit for having an AirCrete Home. If there is interest on both sides and if our circles overlap im sure we will find a way to do something together.
Here's the Big Idea In 284? words.
Everyone needs a place to live and most people spend their best years working to pay a house loan.. For people willing to learn, who want to live life on their own time being debt-rent free and working when they choosing: Building your own home or tiny house is the single most powerful way to escape pain and make changes now. If you are ready to life free then you really only care about one thing: The ability to put a roof over your head that meets your needs as quickly and cheaply as possible without specialty education, materials, or tools. You care about rapid change in your life. As it turns out the ability to build your own home is the difference between working all your productive years for a house loan or saving and building a house in under 2 years then being free to do as you choose the rest of your life. Tiny Houses & AirCrete are both a great solution to make this happen. Combine the two and LOOK OUT! You can start your new life in as little as three weeks! Something that has not been possible until now!
AirCrete is Portland cement which has been en-trained with millions of microscopic bubbles. This inflates the volume of cement by 6 times! The air bubbles inside the cement act as insulation allowing a structure the be built not requiring the additional purchase of insulation. Its fast affordable construction. AirCrete cures over 30 days to form a wall with a compressive strength greater than an equivalent space supported by lumber on 2 foot centers found in conventional homes, and a similar tensile strength when reinforced with polyester reinforcing fabric.
I am Daniel, I have been in the construction industry for over 30 years. I seen and build just about everything conventional and alternative.
Alright, Let DO THIS!
So, this presentation is going to give you everything you need to start building with AirCrete right now! Lets Go!
You Need the following materials:
Lumber, a sheet of plywood, metal dividers cut to fit in mold, digital spill proof scale that measures in grams, 1 quart measuring container from paint department, screws, a 50 gallon drum, 2 pivots for the drum, 1/2 chuck 8 amp or greater corded drill, 3 flat blade spiral pro mixer, Portland cement, foam machine, seventh generation soap or drexel foam, latex or cement bonding agent, cheap calking & calk gun, 5 gallon buckets, cement trowel, soft polyester reinforcing fabric, water, and a power source for the tools.
Make a mold for your bricks. You are going to have to decide the size of your bricks as well as the amount of AirCrete you will use for each batch and therefor the you will need to choose the size of your mold.. Build a well supported frame and attach the plywood to the top. Next screw together a frame to hold the volume of AirCrete you wish to cast into blocks. (6 cubic feet will make 4 inch thick bricks if your mold is 2583 Square inches. or 42 by 61.5, for example. Apply a thin bead of cheap always soft calking around the bottom of the mold frame to prevent leaks.
Attach pivots to the metal drum just above center and build a frame with footing, then attach the barrels to the frame. Its important to place it high enough to allow the barrel to tip over and pour into the top of the mold/frame.
Now, Measure one gallon at a time into a bucket and mark the bucket at each gallon until the bucket is full. Using the marked bucket put 6 & 1/2 gallons of water into the 50 gallon drum. Next, fill another bucket 2/3's full of water and add 2 cups seventh generation dish soap or 4 ounces of Drexel foam agent, mix and then fill to top of bucket with water. Insert foam machine intake line and prime pump. Place 1 quart measuring container onto scale and tare or zero scale, set it to measure grams. Turn on foam machine and fill 1 quart measuring container, turn off machine, scrape off excess foam and place on scale. We want to see 95 grams. If the foam is heaver then increase air pressure. If the foam is lighter than 95 grams decrease air pressure. A range of 90 to 100 grams per quart foam will work, its simply best to aim for 95 grams, but a little lower or higher is fine too. Next start mixing the water and slowly pour the entire 92 pound bag of cement into the drum. Mix thoroughly making sure no cement is clumped to the sides or bottom. Now turn on foam machine and mix continuously until the barrel has filled to 6 cubic feet (this is about 27 inches from the bottom of a standard metal drum). Turn off the foam machine and mix up and down through the mix to get an even foam dispersal through the cement.
Pour this mixture into your brick mold. Insert dividers if you have them and cover with plastic. Let sit for 24 hours. If you don't have dividers then at 8-12 hours use a flat bladed tool to cut up the soft bricks into the desired sizes. The next day remove the bricks and stack them, wet them down and cover with plastic. Its takes 30 days for the bricks to cure, but you can build with them as soon as you can handle them without breaking.
Once you have enough bricks to start building, wet the foundation and the bricks and make the mortar. First Mix 1 cup latex or cement bonding agent to 1 gallon of water. We will call this the "milk". Now make AirCrete mortar my adding 1.5 Quarts cup of the milk to 4 quarts cement. Mix and add foam until you have half a 5 gallon bucket of mortar. Never use standard mortar because its density is different than the aircrete and will likely cause premature cracking of the building! Apply the mortar to bottom and sides of bricks. This mortar is thinner than standard mortar, don't try to thicken it! Add chips or wedges between when required to keep blocks gaped when required changing angles, Once set it will be plenty strong. Using a level stack the bricks as you would any brick structure. If building a dome use a compass arm to keep the bricks at the correct distance and angle. Once your bricks are stacked, just scrape and carve out any imperfections then put on the fabric layer.
Mix 1 part "Milk" (the bonding agent & water) with 2 parts cement to make a fabric cement and finish. Mix and apply to the surface of the aircrete and rub the fabric down into the fabric cement. Apply more cement as needed to get the fabric well bonded and not visible. You can paint this finish as it is or apply acrylic stucco as a final finish!
Its also noteworthy that you could cast the AirCrete into molds and form your house then carve out patterns that get stained to look like almost anything. The best part is once the wall are finished you are finished. You dont have to hang scratchy insulation and then sheet-rock and finish the wall. Its a rapid and affordable building method.
So There you have it everything you must know to start building with aircerete. Now, of-course we cant show you everything you need to build every detail of a house in this video. Houses requires wiring, plumbing, cabinets, flooring and more. We encourage you to attend a workshop with us or someone who can give you the hands on experience you need to get a rapid start. Our workshops are the ONLY workshops where YOU are first! You choose the date and length of your workshops to attend so you dont miss out on vacation time. We are also the only workshop that teach electric, solar electric, plumbing, waster water management, as well as building and actual livable structure with the tools to calculate your design for your climate so that you know your house will work! Click the link or button below and fill out the survey to see if you qualify to attend one of our workshops. We want to help people make progress and rapid change in their lives. We do not work with just anyone!
In addition to our workshops we also offer an affordable introduction to AirCrete video course which you can get from our store or for free if you refer 5 of your friends who might also be interested in building their own home!
Click The link or button Below in the description and signup for our email list and you will instantly receive more information about about building with AirCrete as well the survey to determine if You & AirCrete are a good match, as well as to find out if you qualify to attend a workshop! This will help you decide if you are interested or if you need to move on with another method of building! Dont miss this important step!
Click the link or button below. When you sign up for our email list you will get not only the aircerete compatibility survey, you will get free updates and information on building methods, invites to free webinars on building and lifestyle design, articles on living free from "the grind", a chance to get a free copy of our introduction to AirCrete video course by sharing with your friends, and you will be entered to win one of 4 monthly free single day of training workshops at our location!
So click the button link or button below and start making rapid forward movement in your life!
Attend A Workshop
Get All The Hands On In-person experience you need to build your own hose now! Click The Attend A Workshop button now at schedule as much time as you feel you need. We put you the student first. You WILL learn in detail how to build with AirCrete as well as how to wire, plumb, treat wastewater, and heal/cool your home in an affordable environmentally responsible way.