How would you like to be part of a private like minded community living in your own downsized retirement lifestyle? Tiny and small houses in a remote location made for you gives you a solid plan-b or bug-out location prepared for when the shift hits the fan, money markets crash, go[d]vernment gets bold, or just to live a quality free lifestyle that empowers you to live life on your terms.

Pueblo-style AirCrete Tiny House
Who Are These Houses are For?
- Anyone Ready to Change Your Life & Live Differently
- Anyone Ready To Live Off-Grid
- Anyone Wanting a Simplistic Retired Life (at any age!)
- Anyone Looking to Downsize and Retire away from City Issues
- Anyone Who is Troubled by the way this Country is Going
- Anyone Wanting to Retire Spending Less On Housing to Have More Retirement
- Anyone Wanting a Plan-B or Bug-Out Location
- Anyone Wanting to Live FAR from the Big City Troubles
- Anyone Willing to Take Responsibility for Every Part of Their Lives
- People Who Can Produce Value and Have Remote Income
- People Who or Can Provide for Themselves Without Being a Employee
- People Who Love To Spend Cold Winter Months is A Warm Beautiful Desert
- Artist seeking Desert Inspiration
- Self Empowering People
- Awakened Ascendant Souls Hearing the Still Small Voice
- People Ready For Change & Willing to Be The Change
- People who want to live in Community and Share Kitchens, Bath Houses and the like
- People willing to contribute to community projects
- People Who Can Control Themselves and Make Changes to The Way They Live
- People Who Want to Come Out of Babylon and not Partake
Who This is NOT For!
- People wanting Go[d]vernment or anyone else to take responsibility for their actions
- People wanting anyone in Enforce Policy or Authority over Any other man/woman
- People Who Expect and want Policing
- People who want to tell others how to live their lives
- People who are scared
- People Not willing to do "What Ever it Takes" to Survive
- People who want large houses and "normal Lives"
- People that are not self motivating
- People Without Good Personal Communication Skills
- People Without The Ability to Let Other Live Free as they see fit
- People Who Judge Other People and their Actions
- People who gossip
- People Who Need Medical Care & Hospital Visits
- People who want to be in town frequently
What is AirCrete?
AirCrete is portland cement that is inflated with air bubbles to create an insulating structural building material that is fireproof, flood=rot proof, pest proof, non-toxic multi generational comfortable & beautiful home. It can be made into blocks to build domes and walls or cast into, domes, or cast into monolithic rectangle, round, or molded shapes.
How is it made?
The air is put into the cement by adding a foam agent or soap solution to 5 gallons of water and pushed with air though stainless steel wool to produce million of tiny bubbles. 92 pounds of cement is added slowly to 5 gallons of water while mixing with a drill. The foam is then pumped into the mix while mixing until 6 cubic feet of AirCrete has been inflated to 6 cubic feet.
See the steps involved in building a cast round AirCrete Tiny House.