by Dan 

The 80% Sufficient Lifestyle – The Survival Podcast


January 8, 2023 in Uncategorized

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Today’s episode he survival Podcast and because I have Daniel about building the 80% life as far as income food energy all that how much Freedom we would give you a difference in your life what would your life be introduced are a special guest Daniel brother how you doing man I am doing great so we had to a bunch of other stuff and I love that concept because a person could have just that up forever that you've got self-reliance we measure in time and self-sufficiency you measure in percentage but before we dig into that tell us a little bit about yourself how did you end up living in I think the Chihuahua Desert building are create houses in it and in Far West Texas and living out there in a homestead in the desert probably were born there what what journey through black took you to to this place well you know I started like most of us you know getting our high school education and moving on the College move in the Dallas having a retirement all the normal stuff and no back during the Great Recession of 2008 you know I struck a deal with a guy that was developing quadruplexes and I was acting as a general contractor there and in the course all along this time I'm listening to your podcast I'm learning everything I can I'm adding steal them from putting in the practice you know what I can in between my busy schedule but come the Great Recession 2008 the guy that I was building this quadruplex project for basically embezzled a lot of the money to build his son's home and gymnasium for another organization and so at the end of that. I was left having paid my help having paid all those materials and having charged up all my credit lines to the max suddenly out in the cold with nothing so basically I want him to start life completely over but having been exposed to a lot of great information haven't already got some practice and experience growing my own food I just kind of threw the cell phone in the trash walked away from it all thinking if I was ever going to prosper that I would and so I got a couple years of basically living 100% of what I could and what I had I cashed out the retirement fund and started helping people with alternative building and one thing led to another it got to where you know I was enjoying that a lot more and so what became of just rested or a break from work kind of became a lifestyle and then I made the ultimate decision to sell my property in East Texas cash out the rest of my retirement and I bought some property out here in the in what at the time was the middle of nowhere and move out here because I just of the peace and quiet even though you know it's go pick up an Amazon package it was 168 Mi round trip of being truly off grid and in the back of my mind I just love the idea of that pioneering spirit I love to problem solve and then put my labor my effort into my life where everything that I did benefited me directly and that's kind of what the 80% lifestyle is as you know putting whatever your energy is into benefiting yourself directly as much as possible and remove those parasitical expenses when possible new song about land cuz this is going to revolve somewhat around land near opinion is there such a thing as one of the great things about where you live I would use the words stupid cheap if you don't go relative to something like fertile Plains of Tennessee what the price per acre is ridiculous the difference 1 Tennessee's pretty inexpensive compared to a lot of places in West Texas 

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