How Amazing It Feels To Build Your Own AirCrete Dome or Castle for $48 per Square Foot! Having The Video Course NOW gives you the knowledge to make change in your life

Empower Your Life With A Skill Like No Other, Building Your Own Home
Flight or Fight is a state of survival. When the human brain is dealing with survival we do not grow and expand our lives. We live feeling contracted and limited. How many people do you know that are going to spend their entire lives in insecurity trying to pay rent or a mortgage? Always, and forever, there is the fear of loosing their money source and therefore loosing their shelter. No matter how good they have it, there will always be this lurking worry in the back of their mind:"Will I Be Able To Keep Paying For Shelter/Home - What If I lost it? How would I Live?"
When you learn to build your own Affordable Home you gain an empowerment skill for life.

Was $100 $74.99
Who Can Benefit From This Course?
To expand our lives and grow as individuals it is important to move out of fight-or-flight mind. There is NOTING more empowering, DEEPLY Human, & fulfilling than building your own home. It gives you a sense of security and personal completeness like NOTHING ELSE CAN! It frees part of your survival brain from stress & worry forever. Learn This Skill Now and THRIVE! Set Yourself free to be the Author of Your Life! Choose how much you work. Choose when to get up. Choose To Live Live doing What You Love NOW, not some day after you are To old and weak to enjoy the rest of your life.
Imagine Your Perfect Day Waking up in Your AirCrete House with no bills, not job you must attend to, Your life's Time is Yours!. If your could do anything you wanted to today without consiquences what would you do? Take some time and imagine that day in every detail..
Learn How To Build With Your Home, Tiny House, Studio, Castle or Bug-Out Location, storm shelter, or Passive Greenhouse using AirCrete From The Comfort Of Home and enable yourself to be free of rent & mortgages! Free yourself to live life on your terms in a house you made. A house that you can sell at any time for substantial profit!
Profit if You Ever Sell Your New Home You Profit

AirCrete is not curently financable by a bank, but you can be the bank and make the money or find private financing.
- A basic 1 bedroom 1 Bath Small House can Cost $10,000 to Build Yourself
- If you place it up for Sale the Price is Automatically $20,000
- If You Owner Finance The House You will get up to $70,000 paid in total to you over time!
Surveys Tell Us Most People Agree, Having Ongoing Access To Personal Support As They Build Their House & Learn A New Skill is Extremely Important! When You Buy The Video Course You Get Lifetime Access To Ask Questions & Get Helpful Answers To Solve Your Problems. When You Purchase This Course You Also Get $300 In Consulting Value For FREE! Skype, Zoom, Text, Phone, Email Support Included With Your Purchase Of This Video Course.

Video Course Is Like No Other. Proven Course Backed By Years Of Experience. Clear, To-the-point Training with Support.
Learn How To Build An AirCrete Dome in this Rapid Paced Online Video Training Course! Learn Everything you need FAST! Replay It As Many Time As You Like. Speed It Up or Slow It Down as You Watch. Don't waste time watching 25 hours of mostly unrelated content, in other courses, only to get lost and unsure what you need to do.
Avoid A Lifetime Of High Rent or mortgage Payments! Free Your Money, Your Time, Your Peace Of Mind by building your own AirCrete Home, Studio, Cabin, Bug-out Location. Most People spend Their Entire Life Just To Have a House and Food. You Can Do Better!
I have the opportunity to meet many people. I can't even tell you how many people I have met who are now old and regretful. Its a story as old as Babylon. Person gets home loan. Person lives life the normal way of society. Person, spends life paying for existence. Person gets old or has accident or looses job and now person is loosing home and looking back over their life wondering where they missed it.
Don't You Think There is more you can do with your live than simply have a house & food?
Stop Guessing and getting bad advice from youtube and people who have never actually built with AirCrete or Build & Completed Actual Homes
11 Steps - Basic Skills - No Experience Needed - 5 Simple Ingredients
- Learn How To Build With AirCrete in 11 Easy To Learn Steps
- Tool List For The Entire Job
- Detailed Instructions To Build a AirCrete Foam Generator Machine From Scratch
- Amazon Shopping List to Order Parts Quickly Without Doubt
- 3D Design Using Free Software So You Know Every Measurement In The "Real World"
- Staking Out & Planning Your Foundation
- Building A Mixing Station to avoid having to carry the AirCrete To The mold
- Design & Building Long Lasting Brick Forms, aka the mold
- Designing, Building Forms, & Stacking Arches for doors & Windows
- Applying Reinforcing Fabric
- Finish Coat
- Compass Arm Use
- Stacking Blocks
- The AirCrete System to build the composite structure of your dome. (Blocks, Ties, Fabric, Finish)
- Trouble Shooting When Problems Arise
- FREE assistance when you need personal assistance during your building process!
- Worth More Than $300, Stay Connected To A Real Person As Your Build Your House, Get 3 Hours Free Consulting! Many people have expressed how important it is to have assistance as they build their house. Get the Help You Need!
- Build Your Own Insulating Foamed Cement Dome/House/Studio Affordably
- No Bank Loans Or Rent Payments Every Again!
- Extremely Suited To Tiny House Building
- Money Back Guarantee
Click "Buy Video Course Now" Have All The Knowledge As Well As Assistance You Need Now!
- Advantages of Building With AirCrete over Other Building Methods -
Affordable, Pest Proof, Tornado Proof, Fire Proof, Flood-Rot Proof, non-toxic, Sound Resistant

A Proven Course! Students All Over The World Have Successfully Built Their Own Tiny AirCrete Starter Homes. From 14-76 years old, anyone who is willing WILL been able to use this video course and fulfill their dream of building their own Rent Free Home!
I Know You Can Do It! If You Feel Unable After Completing This Course, Just Send us a note and get refunded for 7 Days from Date of Purchase.
You Have Nothing To Loose
What It Cost To Travel Out Of Country to Learn AirCrete at a Course Tough by Kids
Airline Ticket Uber/Lyft of other Travel Expense | $1000 $150+ |
Workshop | $1200 |
Food | $750 |
Lodging | $1220+ |
Vacation & Personal Time Lost | $????.?? |
TOTAL | $3420+ Cost For Workshop Of Out Of Country |
What it Cost To Learn From Anywhere @ Any Time
- Learn The Same Skills
- Learn at your Own Pace
- Learn in the comfort of your Home
- Share Your Learning With Others

I have a limited income & No Experience. Can I Build An AirCrete House?
How Does $32 per square foot finished with basic appliances sound? For as little as $16 per Square Foot You can have a simple Tiny House or Micro House! (Utility Connections Not Included)
Physically Limited? If your mind is sound you can learn the process then instruct & over see unskilled labor to build for you.
Anyone that chooses to make it happen can get it done! Use The Consulting Time When You Get Stuck! Your Not alone. From 14 to 76 years old Normal People Have Built Their Own AirCrete Tiny House.

D.I.Y. Friendly

What do I Get When I Buy The Course?

- 3 Hours & 40 Minuets of Streaming Online Video. With The option to Purchase A off-line Flash Drive Copy
- Life Time Access
- The Most Direct & To-The-Point Focused Information in the shortest time possible to learn AirCrete Dome Building
- Three Hours of Personal Consulting Time to Help you on your project
- The knowledge You Need To Build Your Own AirCrete House, Tiny House, Cabin, Bug-Out Location, Studio, Workshop, Storage, or Vacation Cabin
- Seven Day Money Back Guarantee
- $50 off Attending a Live Workshop!
- Confidence and Removal of Fear & Doubt When You Are Ready to Build Your Home. You will know what to do!

Navy, Retired
Knowing something, but doing something are two different things. I really learned a lot at the workshop. This was the most comprehensive course out there
​​​​​​Im In the middle of a life changing event and I want to live within my means. I want to escape the oppressive State I live in. So I though of different ways to get off grid. AirCrete seems to be the most reasonable amount of work vs the amount of reward you get. AirCrete is not as easy as I thought, but its not difficult. Doing by your self is possible, but having two hands would make the work must more reasonable. Once I can leave California I plan to move to a freedom loving state to buy some land and be the first student to complete his AirCrete house. Knowing something, but doing something are two different things. I really learned a lot at the workshop. This was the most comprehensive course out there. Doing everything in one: electric, plumbing, solar, and everything. It was a great value for the money. For anyone listening. If & when you come to one of these workshops.. Its a learning working experience. You NEED to be ready to get your hands dirty. Get in the middle of the mix. If you feel like you are being left out give a polite elbow, jump in a get involved.

​Charlene & Ron
Doctor & Naturopathic Dr
We have learned so much. We cant wait to start our project and you should do it to
Great 2 weeks! Learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. How to keep a focused head. Meat of lot of great people. Got to build my first house . I look forward to doing this in the near future

​Fire Fighter
​I stumbled across this on YouTube. It very much appealed to the self reliance. Having met him it has only reinforced that. He is a wizard when comes to construction and he's got a heart of gold.
It was fun to me. We experimented with the mixing process and found out its probably best to not over whip it because it takes more time and its probably more dense than you are aiming for. There is a window in AirCrete. Its fairly forgiving material. Had a great time playing around with it. The unplanned lessons were good. We adjusted and fixed problems and moved on. Even with excessive handling of a batch of AirCrete it was quite resilient. I had a nice feel on my bear feet. A little spongy. I feel very confident that I can not make quality AirCrete by replicating what I was shown here. Also, I know that I can contact Mr Daniel and he will help me through a tough spot. I am very pleased with the workshop.
If you are considering doing this your future self will thank you. It was very well worth my time money & energy I put into this. I feel very confident I will have an AirCrete cabin.

Oil Field & Repo Specialist
Learned a lot about what to do and what not to do.
​Great! Learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. How to keep a focused head. Meat of lot of great people. Got to build my first house . I look forward to doing this in the near future.

​Naturalistic Dr
I am a Doctor so, I can afford to hire builders and have any type of house I want. I choose aircrete because its what I want. I will move to a location where I can build my house without permission. I choose to have build round healthy, or non-toxic, house something I can build with my own hands." I liked this because here is a man with a clear mind and taking responsibility for his own life. He chooses to build with a healthy material because he stood up an choose what was best for himself and is taking action to create his chosen life. He is not going to be stopped by code or opinions.

When ​I watch videos it is kind of ​great to understand & know I can build it. Workshopa are ​ hands on and it makes the information more concrete. However, ​it's a cheaper to learn from my phone. This has got to be the best building material that is easy to work with. Once ​I start doing it​ I know Its going to be super easy. You can get it almost instantly. It's far less expensive than a conventional structure. Once I get a piece of land I can live on the land and live debt free. That's what I love about it. The thing to understand about debt is that it stays with you for so long. The thought about being in debt for so long kind of freaks me out!
Video Testimonials
Click "Buy Video Course Now" Have All The Knowledge As Well As Assistance You Need Now!