AirCrete Student Community Chat

  • Alright guys! Welcome to the common chat room for students! Leave your comments and have conversations in this space!

    If you are interested in sharing rides to the event ask in this space.

  • Hey Everyone, Can’t wait to get out to terlingua and start the workshop! I’m coming in from Charlotte NC. Can not carpool, but am willing to convoy.

    • Hey Frank, I can’t carpool, but hoping to get into the class area on early Sunday morning. I’m and driving 25 hours to get there, so the actual time is kinda hard to peg down. See you there!

  • Hello Dan, I’m wondering if you have any updates/insights on what effects the border crises is having on the local area being so close to the border. We will be camping in the area and would love to hear your thoughts. Many thanks!

  • Hi, Dan. Will you compost our food waste (peels, coffee grounds, etc.) or should I bring my bokashi bucket? I’m planning to arrive Saturday evening. I’m driving 17 hours from St. Louis.

  • Hi Daniel, this is Tyrena. I attended your workshop in the fall. We need to build a two story aircrete house. How do I reinforce the top of the wall to make sure it holds another house? It will be 20 feet across, is this possible?

  • I asked my local building official if I could build an aircrete house in Clallam county Washington state and he said this:
    Hi Wael,
     You will have to provide us with an ICC evaluation report showing approval for the building code.
     My understanding is it is typical in foreign countries but not in the US. My main concern is it wouldn’t meet the design requirements of our seismic design category—D2. As this is not ordinary light frame construction it would have to be designed by a structural engineer.
     Keep in mind it would also have to comply with the WSEC energy code and ventilation requirements.
    Clallam County Fire Marshal
    Plans Examiner
    Code Compliance Officer III
    What should I do?

    • AirCrete is alternative building and will not have code approval without a great deal of money and effort.

      You might get a variance to build a pole barn style house with AirCrete as none load bearing infill. They may even say no to that.

      14’th amendment Property of the government doesn’t get to make their own choices. So, I would assume that you will never get permission. Alternative building remains for the free. Sad but true.

      The largest saving comes from the act of building your own house regardless of the material. So, don’t loose heart. You can make your vision become reality

  • Hello all. I am attending the upcoming workshop in Oct. 2021. I wanted to know if anyone was planning on camping onsite. I was considering it as my airbnb is about 25 miles away from the school, but prefer not to be out there all by myself. Happy to hear any responses from other attendees and look forward to meeting you all soon.

  • Hi Dan,

    I have been trying to reach you as my Video course still not accessible, but have not heard from you with every method I’ve tried.
    Hope you to hear from you, eventually.

    • Yes 80 PSU should work. Just be aware that if you have difficulty adjusting the foam weight it may be related to this.

      1.5 gallons per minuet is the maximum flow rate for the water. More than this and the foam can not be mixed in fast enough and its difficult to push enough air.

      These pumps are often used in steam cleaners.

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