Physical Copies on 1 TB USB Hard Drive $200

Why is the price so high?  Simply put, we are located in a very remote area and I have to drive 70 miles to mail each drive.  This takes 2 hours of my time and it interrupts my whole day. However, I know people may need access to this info offline and in other countries. So I make it available.


Also, Check Back Here for Dates Times & Links To Zoom Webinars for Live Office Time for getting Questions Answered. If you are having trouble logging into your course please text me.

      • Hear are some ideas that I would love and I think others would as well…
        It would be awesome if you would add detailed videos for building the house upon a raised platform I.e up on piers and etc for extremely cold climates where the ground is solid igneous bedrock and it’s VERY difficult to chip out.

        Also videos for a radiant heated floor system as a primary heat source. (possibly geo-thermal?)

        Looking forward to this kind of stuff 🙂

        Thank you, Dan!

        • I will be adding a section for radiant floors and night sky radiant cooling.

          An raised platform would require cement steel beams to support the weight. I need to do some engineering to find a beam size and metal spacing.

  • will this course enable me to build a dome building, does it include instruction for that kind of building, or is what is show adaptable to that purpose?

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