March 26, 2022 in Legal
Is it really possible to live a good and free life without debt?
Yes! Build your own AirCrete House and live without mortgage or rent and erase/offset all you existing debt so that you can live more free. How, would you spend your days if you had no bills and enough money without a job that ties you to a single location?
We have video courses and workshops that teach you how to build your own AirCrete Home. We even have a video course that shown you how to setup an online business to replace your job allowing you to make money without being tied to a job or a location.
Its the goal of this page mostly as a place holder of relevant information in my own personal study and also to introduce you to the possibility that all money is debt in a system without real money and that we have the ability to discharge all debt without having to spend our life's time working for money. Here are a number of videos and files from the internet to open you thinking to the possibility of eliminating debt. None if this is my material or creation. Do you're due diligence and be fully convened in your own mind! [This is for entertainment & Education Purposes ONLY]
There are 8 sections to this Course:
- Correct your mind, words, and actions.
- Create a claim of life to be living in the legal world
- Status Correction by getting state national passport and no longer be a US corporate citizen/slave.
- File a UCC 1 to create a lien against the straw man
- Get rid of debt and court cases where no one was harmed
- Get a Quality ID Card with scalable lawful notice to all your legal documents!
- Setup Tax Free Non Profit Private Member Associations to own land and do banking
- Stop the Idolatry - Get rid of the image of a man by capturing the birth certificate in equity
Step 1: Create a Claim of Life and be born into life in the paper fiction world
Lesson 1:
Live-Life Claim Creation Training
Each of us has a Birth Certificate.
The Barron's Dictionary of Banking terms defines a "CERTIFICATE" this way...
"A Paper that establishes an ownership claim".
That means anyone who has a birth certificate is defined as being "owned". That means the in the Public, you are viewed as being a slave, as merely a piece of someone's inventory.
By creating a Live Life claim (also known as A Claim of the Life) you establishing yourself as free and you're saying you are not a slave AND you are establishing your Live Life claim instead of your birth certificate as your true and proper ID.
Since in the Public EVERYTHING is run by Commerce and by Contract. As a slave, you don't have the authority to Contract with anyone and you don't have the authority to legally handle your own business.
By establishing your Live Life claim, you are saying you are who YOU say you are (not your birth certificate. You are saying you are free and NOT a slave.
You are saying you are officially "Open For Business" to contract with anyone you want and you are capable of handling your own business affairs.
In short, with the Live Life claim, you are making it clear to the world exactly who YOU are!
Following are TWO VIDEOS THAT WILL GIVE YOU MORE CLARITY About The Live-Life Claim...
To See This Lesson go to the Video Course
Lesson 2:Citizenship Status Correction Training with state national passport
The powerful part of correcting your citizenship status is it makes you one of "We The People" as outlined in the Constitution of the United States of America.Without status correction, you are considered a 14th Amendment slave of the U.S.A Corporation and you have no Constitutional Rights.By correcting your citizenship status you become free from IRS taxes and get added to the "Do Not Detain List" and you basically have what's called Diplomatic Immunity by becoming what's known as a State Citizen instead of a Federal Citizen.
To watch the PASSPORT VIDEO log into the course
By the way, if you need to download a copy of the Passport Application, please click HERE.
Lesson 3:
Proper UCC1 Application Completion Training
Lesson 3:
Proper UCC1 Application Completion Training
There are TWO powerful reasons for completing your UCC1 Application.FIRST:The application makes a clear distinction between the Living man/woman and the Strawman.The Living man/woman is called the Creditor. The Strawman is called the Debtor. This form makes it clear that you and your strawman are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from one another. For example, that means you cannot be jailed for something the strawman did or neglected to do.SECOND:Once you've completed your application and it is accepted and on file with your Secretary of State, then you also have the government itself saying you and the strawman are completely different.It's one thing for you to say it, but it's more powerful in any Public setting if the Secretary of State, where you live, is saying you and the strawman are NOT the same.Every state is different, so it's important that you download and complete the UCC1 Application in your state.To download your form, simply do a Google search.For example...
If you live in California use this search: UCC-1 form for CaliforniaFor example...
If you live in Wisconsin use this search: UCC-1 form for WisconsinOnce you locate the form, please download it, complete it and mail it to your local Secretary of State office. By the way, please include the appropriate UCC1 application when you mail your application to your local Secretary of State office.
Go to the Course Page to see the Video
Lesson 4:Debt Removal Training
Learn the simple step-by-step process to find your CUSIP, use it to create a Promissory Note, and then utilize the Administrative Process to remove ANY debt including (Mortgage, Car Note, Child Support, Credit Card, Student Loan, others).
Open Video Course to Watch the Videos!
Because the debt removal has so many moving parts, it is the most challenging step to freedom. By the way, the Administrative Process is a HUGE part of properly removing debt. You'll find the Administrative Process Letters in the "RESOURCES" section below. So let's talk about the steps of how the debt removal process works...You MUST either already have or you must request the debt collector to mail you a copy of the bill, monthly statement, invoice, etc. Why? Because all the words on their document are written in what's called "Fraudulent & Fictitious" language. By forcing them to mail you their bill, they are committing mail fraud by using the Post Office to mail you a document that contains fraudulent and misleading language.Once their bill, monthly statement, invoice, arrives in your mail box, you must prove there is fraudulent and misleading language on their document by performing what's called a Forensic Evidence Analysis (FEA).Once the FEA is completed, you use a Private Administrative Process to mail the document back to the debt collector with a letter asking a few questions. Typically you give them 21 days to reply. Depending on your situation you can give them more or fewer days to respond. This letter is the first of 3 letters that make up the Private Administrative Process. If they do not respond within the time frame you provided, then you mail them the 2nd letter that reminds them they have not gotten back to you and as a result of not getting back to you, they have agreed that you owe them nothing. So in this 2nd letter you give them 10 additional days to respond. If they do not respond within the 10 additional days, then you mail them a final notice AND an invoice for $1,000.00. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act allows you to bill $1,000.00 for debt collectors who do not reply when you make a written inquiry regarding a debt.If they don't pay your $1,000.00 bill, then you sue them in small claims court for two things: 1. For not paying your bill 2. To get a judgment that says you owe the debt collector nothing.Once you have your written judgment from the court, then you mail it to the debt collector's Customer Service department so they can set your debt to zero based on the court judgment and demand the Customer Service team to mail your free and clear title to you within 30 days or risk being in Contempt of Court, which is a jail able offense. Finally, you mail a copy of the judgment to the debt collector's Accounts Payables department so they can mail you a check for $1,000.00 within 30 days or risk being in Contempt of Court, which is a jail-able offense. Now that you know the steps, it's time for you to get started on Steps 1, 2, and 3.Once you've completed Steps 1, 2, and 3, please contact me so I can coach you through Steps 4 through 8.So, right now, if you DON'T have a copy of the latest bill, invoice, or statement from the debt collector, then you must contact their Customer Service department and request them to mail your bill to you. By the way an online download of the bill or presentment is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Why? Because unless they mail it to you there can be no Mail Fraud, which is the foundation of the entire debt removal process. If you already have a copy of your latest bill from the debt collector, your next step is to perform a Forensic Evidence Analysis on their document. By the way, before performing the Forensic Evidence Analysis, please make a few color copies of the invoice, bill, or monthly statement and use the copies for practice until you get good at performing the Forensic Evidence Analysis. Following is a training video to show you how to complete your Forensic Evidence Analysis. By the way, below the video is additional information you'll need to complete your Forensic Evidence Analysis.
View the Videos INSIDE the Course Page
BELOW in BLUE are the items you MUST copy and paste onto
the VERY FIRST page of your Forensic Evidence Analysis
[Syntax Analysis - for the claim - no contract and use of fictitious language per Title 18 USC 1001"]
["No definitions are given for contract no separate guide given"]
["a NO = negative = no contract in syntax meaning, parse applies to verb adverb no language comprehension"]
["for NOT all errors noted"]
~0 conjunction
~1 adverb
~2 verb (by modification)
~3 adjective
~4 pronoun
~5 (pre)position
~6 article
~7 noun
~8 past time
~9 future time
~9a Mix of past time and future time
:Symbol use with the correction.
~ = a negative prefix (underlined section of a word) = NO = no contract.
~ ND = non-defined terms = non defined symbol = no contract.
~ NDG = a Nom De Guerre - fiction name, not correct full name, dead fiction.
~ // = B = Boxing = removed from page section = no contract.
VC = void continuum = double space/blank space area = No contract
I. II. III. & IV.
I. Rescissioning the Signature (2 Steps)
Click HERE to download and fill in the template:
II. Notice of Acceptance of Credit Issued:
I have found that ACCEPTANCE works best on Tax issues while the Administrative Process works best on all other debt.
You may have to send this notice multiple times before you see the debt go to zero.
So be diligent and please be patient when using ACCEPTANCE.
You have likely heard that on the bottom of any bill/monthly statement/invoice/etc., that you can use the Coupon on the bottom to "pay" the bill.
And that is correct.But it must be done correctly.So if you are not already receiving your monthly bill in the mail, please contact the lender or debt collector and ask them to please mail you a copy of the bill or payoff of the debt. Once you receive it in the mail, please complete the letter below and mail it to the Director of Finance, to the Director of Operations, or to the President or CEO. Also, when you mail this letter to the lender or debt collector, ALWAYS use Registered Mail.
Please DO NOT use certified mail. Please use Registered Mail only.There are 3 letters for this process.However, during this process be sure to check your debt balance frequently. Why? Because if the balance is set to zero then you will not need to mail all the letters. So, the moment you notice the balance is zero, please discontinue mailing letters. Also, if during the process you continue to receive bills in the mail, please simply write the following across the bill in BLUE letters:"Accepted. Please apply credit and settle the accounting." Then simply include it when you mail your your next letter.
Letter #1 - Letter #2 - Letter #3
III. The Administrative Process:
The Administrative Process is one of the most effective Debt Removal Processes available.
Why? Because the ENTIRE world and ALL processes of the Public system works on the principle of CONTRACT.The purpose of the Administrative Process is to use Written Communication and the Postal System to create contracts.To Properly use the Administrative Process is a 2-Step Process:
- FIRST.........Use Step-By-Step Administrative Process described in my book. Click HERE to download the book.
- SECOND....In the book you downloaded it refers to the following 4 letters to be mailed:
- Letter 1, Letter 2, Letter 3A, Letter 3B, Letter 4
IV. Promissory Note Training:
In 99.999% of the cases, you will NEVER need a Promissory Note or a CUSIP.In all my years and working with over 2,000 clients I have NEVER seen an situation where a Promissory Note was needed..The following video explains why...But if you ever need to create a Promissory Note, please see the Step-By-Step video instructions below this video***Special Note ***(Since you already purchased my program, please disregard the part in the following video where it says you need to purchase my program):
Join the Law Course to See the Videos
The Promissory Note should NEVER be used as a stand-alone solution.
Why? Because if you don't combine it with the Administrative Process nobody will ever accept your Promissory Note.
So, please use the Step-By-Step Administrative Process described in my book. Click Here to download the book. (join the online course)
Also, in the book the Administrative Process requires the following 4 letters to be mailed:
Letter 1, Letter 2, Letter 3A, Letter 3B, Letter 4 (Join the course to download the letters)
The following links show you How to create a Promissory Note and here are 3 video clips that walk you through the entire process:
Join the Online Course to See the 3 Promissory Note Creation Videos
BY Brad Tipton ...
Join the Video Course to Access Resources
Following are link to some of the most popular books in the "Living In The Private" series of books:
- The Mechanics of Removing Debt - click
- 9 Things You MUST KNOW In Order To Live In The Private - Click
- The 10 Magic Words To Immediately Remove Any Debt - Click
- VOID MY CASE? A Simple Step-By-Step Process To Void Any Past Or Present Court Judgment – Click
- How To Become A Secured Party Creditor In 19-Minutes Flat - Click
- The Top 10 Question Secured Party Creditors Are Asking Right NOW - Click
- How To Create And Launch A PRIVATE Business In 7 Simple Steps - Click
- How To Win ANY Court Case Within 10 Days Without Every Having Entering The Courtroom - Click
- CUSIP Checklist (how to locate your cusip) - Click
- regarding cusips: I have worked with over 3,000 clients and I have NEVER seen a situation where a CUSIP has been the most efficient way to remove, settle, or discharge debt. In my opinion, using the CUSIP is the WORST WORST way of dealing with debt. But if you want to use the CUSIP, please watch my training video.
Bills of Exchange & Bonds to Discharge Debt
Join the Video Course to See the Discharging Debt Video
I, (Your Name), principal, as surety, is held and bound to pay (Example THE STATE OF GEORGIA) the sum of dollars, unless the said (Example Defen dant YOUR NAME) shall satisfy any judgment which may be recovered against him by the said (Example Plaintiff, THE STATE OF XXX) in his attachment suit against the said (Example Defendant YOUR NAME) for dollars, returnable before the circuit court of County, (State) on the day of (Month) A. D. 2020.
By me, (Your Name), a man holder in due course, principal.
The bond is not for payment or discharge of a debt for the strawman. We, as living souls, created by the Creator, are sovereign. We have unlimited authority over ourselves and the things we create. As sovereigns, we are using the bond to tell a "creditor" that the living soul is not the straw man or the security for the straw man. One party can't be held accountable for the debt of another without his per mission, just like one man can't be held accountable for the crimes of another.
The bond is telling the creditor that, if they can pro vide proof of a lawful contract or debt that the living soul is responsible for, then they can use the credit of the living soul to discharge the debt and settle the account. Said an other way, the bond is an offer to contract with the "creditor" to discharge the straw man's debt if the creditor can't get the payment from the straw man. After the living soul has tendered the bond, any further attempt the "creditor" makes to get you to "pay" is double jeopardy.
Bonds have been used to successfully to discharge all kinds of debts:
IR'S Bonds have been used to discharge federal income taxes, penalties and interest. IRS Publication 1450 clearly states that the IRS accepts bonds to discharge tax debts.
See for the publication.
State income taxes
Property taxes-Bonds have been used to discharge these taxes when they were due and even in cases where the property was about to be repossessed for back taxes.
Traffic tickets, and fines
Citations by various municipal "code enforcers
Mortgages on homes
Credit card debt
Getting back property that has been seized by the government
Discharge debt from a bankruptcy
Discharge debt from a court case that you lost
A concept that is closely related to the bond is that of a voucher. A voucher is 10% of the value of the bond that may be required to activate the bond. For example, if a person requests a bail bond to get out of jail, they pay the bail bondsman 10% of the face value of the bond. This 10% is the voucher. If someone wants to argue (further negotiate the contract) about the bond you issue to them, you tell them to send you the voucher. In many cases, they will back off.
When you issue the bond, don't tell the creditor how to process the bond. At first, this may seem strange. But if you give a creditor a check, money order or FRNS, you don't tell them how to process theses forms of payment": It is the "creditor's" responsibility to know what to do with the bond. They have a wide variety of options including, but not limited to, applying it against their taxes due the government, exchange it with other corporations, hold it as an asset, and hypothecate it.
When a "creditor" receives a bond, they only have two choices. The first choice is to keep the bond, thereby accepting it. If they accept it, the debt is discharged. The second choice is to dishonor the bond and send it back to you. This action would place them in commercial dishonor (more on this later). If a "creditor" were to send the bond back, write this following across the face of their presentment, "Thank you for your dishonor. I accept your dishonor and I'm returning it to you for closure in this matter". Then send the presentment back to them.
"Thank you for your dishonor. I accept your dishonor and I'm returning it to you for closure in this matter".
Every bond must have a charging instrument: a bill or payoff statement. When you send the bond, you always send the original charging instrument back to the creditor". Write across the face of the charging instrument in red, blue or any color other than black, something similar to the following:
"Accepted for value and returned to you for discharge, closure and settlement by attached registered bond #
Then you sign it after "By", with your regular signature, and write the date you signed it. The bond number that goes in the blank space is the number from a registered mail sticker that is used to mail the bond to the "creditor". The bond is always sent to the creditor" via U.S. registered mail with return receipt requested. Many court cases have ruled that sending funds via registered mail makes the funds a registered security
At the same time you send the original bond to the "creditor", send a copy to the Secretary of the Treasury to show that you are authorizing the bond. If the bond is relating to real property, you might also want to send a copy of the Sheriff of your county so that, if someone wants to seize the property for non-payment, the Sheriff will have notified that the debt has been discharged. These bond copies are stamped "COPY" because there can only be one original bond. The bond copies should also have a copy of the charging instrument attached. It is a good idea to send the bond copies using certified mail with return receipt requested.
It is a good idea to send the bond and the bond copies by having someone else mail packets for you. This person can then fill out a certificate of service for each packet. The certificate of service says they mailed the packet for you and lists their name, the contents of the packet, the method each packet was mailed, the date it was mailed, the party to whom it was mailed, and the name and address of the person who mailed the packet.
The packet itself doesn't have to contain a certificate of service. You just need the certificate of service for your re cords. The certificate provides you with a third party wit ness to the contents of the envelope. You can use this a proof should the creditor" ever dispute the fact that they were paid. The certificate of service shows what was in the envelope and the return receipt proves that they received the packet.
I also suggest that you send them a copy of the copyright of the straw man's name. The copyright should be a self-executing contract which says that, if anyone continues to use your copyrighted material after they have been given notice of the copyright, they owe you a sum certain for each unauthorized use of your copyrighted material. This may discourage them from harassing you after you discharge the debt. How to collect on this copyright viola tion is the subject of a separate essay.
To See The Bond Join the Video Course
The answer to the question about the legitimacy of the bond is a resounding "yes", the bond is legitimate! The bond is nothing more than a promise to pay. That's all anyone of us has to use as "money" in our current system. The bond is just as legitimate a form for a promise to pay as any other form that anyone else can give
The first thing I should say is that I don't know of a single instance in which anyone has been arrested or gone to prison for issuing a properly executed BoE or bond to dis charge a debt. But I must also say that, in many cases, "creditors" either pretend or may in fact not know what a BoE or bond is. It is not your job to educate them. Even if the "creditor" knows what the instrument is, they may not like receiving it or even ignore it.
The reason most creditors" won't like your instrument is because they have been accustomed to receiving a lot of interest and principal payments on "loans" they made to you when, in reality, they loaned you your own credit. Said another way, they have pretended to "loan" us money, then ask us to pay back the principal with interest when, in fact, they loaned us nothing from their own assets and had no risk. When we use the instrument to discharge the pur ported debt, we cut off the supply of all the profits that they think they deserve.
If you are going to have any trouble with "creditors" accepting your instrument, the first and most important issue you must resolve in your own mind is "Did my instrument really discharge the debt?" When you can answer this in the affirmative, then you will have taken a major step. I would also suggest that the answer should be "yes". Let's use an example to illustrate this point.
Let's say you owed someone $100 and that you sent them a $100 FRN to discharge the debt. Let's also say that you had a certificate of service and a return receipt so you know they received your "money" but then they acted as if the debt was still owed. In this case, was the debt dis charged? Of course, the answer is yes! The only question remaining in your mind should be, "Are these instruments valid?" You should not use these kinds of instruments until you are comfortable that they are valid.
I say they are third parties because the original contract or debt has already been satisfied and is no longer parties to the contract with you because the contract has been ful filled. If a complete stranger came up to you demanding money and you knew that you had never entered a contract with them, you would know that they had no legitimate claim against you. You will have to treat the creditors in the same way when they want you to "pay after you have given them a valid instrument.
At this stage in the use of these instruments, it is hard to predict exactly how every creditor will respond. You need to be prepared for the possibility that they will act as if you never paid them. If you are discharging credit card debt, they may close or cancel the account, turn your account over to a collection agency, and put negative information on your credit report. This does not mean that your instrument was invalid, illegal or fraudulent. It just means the "creditor" doesn't like it.
If the creditor doesn't like your instrument, it is quite possible that the "creditor" will continue to send you presentments that reflect that the instrument was never posted to your account. This is a matter of ongoing re search and for one or more additional essays. But we can give you some ideas about how you might respond.
First, you must respond to each and every presentment you receive. If you are convinced that your instrument was good, then the debt has been discharged. This means that every communication from the creditor is an attempt to re-contract with you. If you don't respond, you are, by your silence, agreeing that you still owe a debt. There is a basic principle of commerce that says if you argue with them or you are silent (don't respond to a presentment) then you are in dishonor. If you are in dishonor, then you are automatically the loser in the dispute.
If the dispute goes to court, arbitration or some other administrative process, you will lose. So, whatever you do, you must remain in honor,
There are only two ways to remain in honor: accept their presentment, or conditionally accept their presentment. Let's talk about an acceptance strategy first.
A full acceptance would be to accept their presentment without any conditions. Then treat your acceptance of their new presentment as a new contract to which you are going to add your own terms. On the face of any presentment they send you after you have discharged the debt, write in red, blue or any color other than black, something similar to the following:
Accept and returned for closure, discharge and settlement of this accounting. See attached copy of Registered Bond . You are using my exemption. Send me the voucher immediately. Equality under the law is paramount and mandatory. I am competent to handle my affairs. If you think you are representing me in this matter, you and your heirs/as signs/agents are hereby declared to be incompetent and are fired. Without prejudice and without recourse.
The creditor may send you a bill that doesn't show a reduction in the account balance after you discharged the debt. If this occurs, send them a Notice of Error. The letter can be based upon the Truth In Lending Act, found at Title 15 USC §§ 1601-1667e (there are parallel regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations for Title 12 Part 226 §§ 226.1-226.16). Section 1666 specifically deals with "Correcting Billing Errors":
Under this section, you have the right to give the creditor a notice of error within 60 days after the creditor" sends the presentment, which contains an error. Subsection (b) lists seven reasons that you can send a notice of error, including the fact that they did not properly reflect your "payment".
The letter should contain your name, account number, a statement that you believe there is a billing error, the amount of the billing error, and the reason you believe there is a billing error. You can ask the "creditor" to provide copies of documentary evidence of your indebtedness, and you can also ask for an accounting. The creditor has 30 days to respond to your billing error.
It is possible that the "creditor" will not provide an adequate or a responsive answer to you Notice of Error. In such cases, the "creditor" may continue to send you presentments. This can become quite a nuisance. If this happens, you can change your strategy from full acceptance to a conditional acceptance. You would start the process by sending the "creditor" a Conditional Acceptance and Negative Averment or Affidavit.
The Conditional Acceptance is a letter in which you state that you will accept the "creditor's" claim if they can prove the claim. The points in this letter are stated in the positive. For example, you could demand that they provide "document mentation validating Respondent's presumption that the bond that was tendered as payment was an invalid instruments and incapable of discharging the debt".
The Negative Averment or Affidavit states all of the demands you made for documentation in the Conditional Acceptance portion in have not been met. For example, you could say "Affiant has not seen or been presented with any documentation verifying that the bond is an invalid instrument and incapable of discharge the debt, and believes that no such verified documentation exists.
In commerce, an unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth of the matter. The only valid way for the creditor to respond to your affidavit is to send an affidavit of their own in which they respond to each point you have made. So, be sure to ask for evidentiary-quality, verified documentation of things that you know the "creditor" can't produce or that will prove your position. The typical Conditional Acceptance will contain eight to twelve of these points.
If the creditor" does not respond in affidavit form within 21 days after you mailed the Conditional Acceptance/Negative Averment, you will want to begin a Notari al Protest. Notarial Protest is an administrative process in which you a notary acts as a third party witness to the "Creditor's" dishonor (lack of response).
To begin this process, you will give a notary an affidavit describing the events with the "creditor" up to this point. You will prepare three sets of documents which the notary will mail out at 11 day intervals: a Notice of Dishonor, a Second Notice of Dishonor or a Notice of Protest, and a Certificate of Certificate of Non-Response and Dishonor or Breach.
If the creditor never responds to any of the notary's notices, the notary will issue a Certificate of Non-Response and Dishonor or Breach against the "creditor" and provide you with an original. This certificate can be used to help clear any negative information the creditor puts on your credit report because it provides proof through a third party witness that the creditor has not validated the debt. I have heard about another process that can follow behind the Notarial Protest that will give you a remedy through a court. This process is called a Judicial Review and will be the subject of another essay.
I hope this essay has assisted you in learning about the use of BoEs and bonds as possible means of accessing your exemption and discharging debt. It was meant as an introduction to this topic. It has not been my intent to tell you everything you will need to know to actually issue these instruments. There is simply too much information to convey in essay format. Do not attempt to issue these instruments using the information provided herein because far too many of the crucial details were not addressed.
At Law and equity were combined by: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1938
Join the course to see the "win any case remove any debt video and the remaining 3 sections of the course
- Order your Quality Lawful ID Card with scalable lawful notice to all your legal documents! Then upload all you legal documents so that they can be accessed by officers and public servants. Magnetic Stripe - QR Code - Web Address
- Setup Tax Free Non Profit Private Member Associations to own land and do banking
- Stop the Idolatry - Get rid of the image of a man by capturing the birth certificate in equity